The download program used to transfer your new kernel to the empeg does _NOT_ work in windows NT. It will work just long enough to erase your flash.I haven't tried it in NT yet, but I had a similar problem under Win98 that turned out to be my fault. Since the download program only worked for Com1, I had to physically swap the empeg off of Com2 in order to use it. Since Com1 and Com3 share an interrupt, and since my modem is on Com3, it screwed up because I was online while I was trying to upgrade my kernel.
Now I remember why I plugged my Empeg into Com2 in the first place.

The solution, of course, was to hang up the modem before uploading the new kernel.
Is it possible that's what happened to you? Using a modem that shared an interrupt with your Com1 port?
Another possibility is that the settings for Com1 weren't correct for the Empeg. Remember that it wants NO handshaking, rather than software or hardware handshaking. (Other settings are 115200 N 8 1.)
Just throwing out ideas. For all I know, it could have been an NT problem.
Tony Fabris -- Empeg #144 --
Caution: Do not look into laser with remaining good eye.