Something else I'll have to try - reconnect the original headunit and see if the reception comes back to the way it was. Just as a reality check.
I would confirm for you that the Honda Head Unit does get much better reception than the Empeg tuner in Hondas. I noticed the same thing with my Civic install. I would suspect a power booster in the Antena that was suggested before.
I think a Chilton manual is still in my future.
In the Chilton manual I have, it does not have the pin out at all. I have only been able to fnd them online and they only talk about the dimmer wire and not much else. There are three lines listed as Do Not Use but I would love to find out what they are used for.
The local Honda service dept. is quite adept at not telling me anything. An example: "Do you have the pin diagram for the 2001 Odyssey wiring harness?" "Who wants to know?" "I do." "What are you doing messing with the wiring harness?" And so on ...
Have you tried the following: "Hey buddy, I just spent $30,000 on this piece of crap so unless you would like me to talk to your manager or better yet your area supervisor, I think you will be finding me the wiring schematics for this. Better yet, why don't you find me the Honda Electricans manual and I will buy it off you so I never have to speak to you ever again"?

Seriously tho, if we need to find it out, I will swing by my Honda parts dealership and find out. They are usually really good in helping me.
That makeshift antenna idea sounds like it's worth a shot. I'll see what I can do with that.
I meant to document this before but did you know you can replace the Odyessy's antenna with the S2000 antenna? It may not help with your reception but it definately will be smaller and stronger.
Check out the page with pics over at the OdyClub site.
In other news, Nancy (um, everyone knows her as Nancy) just gave me a pile of Beatles and holiday CDs to rip. The infection. It's spreading ...
Funny that. My Sig Other just game me a pile of Blink 182 to rip. Ahhh but EmpTriv must come first.