Looking pretty good . I'm not surprised you can't get the same kind of definition as is in the original. After all, they didn't have to worry about tiny corner rads & curved surfaces meeting bosses etc with an injection moulding. But you don't need me to tell you that - I'm sure you were expecting it. The cycle time & amount of finishing shouldn't be a surprise either - all those little bits left that the cutter couldn't get to because of the anti-gouge checking & cusps between step-overs to remove . Hence my desire to design a new one designed with machining, not injection moulding in mind. However, if I'd been in your position I would probably have done exactly the same thing, before designing a new one. From what I can see I think you've done an excellent job considering the constraints - attempting to replicate a part designed for injection moulding by machining from solid. Good luck with your sales .

You might be interested to see what stage I've reached with my own design. I still need to do something with the fixing method. Whether I just use different screws or some other kind of hidden method I haven't looked into yet. I've also got to address details such as how I'm going to affix the Knob & Handle detailing etc. I'd also like to get the Empeg or Rio logo on there too. I've attached the image file of the design so far.

46529-Fascia-02.jpg (164 downloads)

Marcus 32 gig MKII (various colours) & 30gig MKIIa