HINT: go through the center bulb 3 times.

IMPRESSIVE. I had considered this as an option, and even went to the trouble of doing a test-case to make sure that three passes on a bulb would light it. I just couldn't see a way this would help me. Guess I'll have to try again.

The password for level 25 is firewire

As far as the passwords go, I'm not concerned with those any more. I figured out the files that needed to be downloaded in order to run the program locally, and the password file is in clear text. So now I can get to any level I want by typing it in (I edited the file so that the password for level 24 is "24" for example). I still want to win each of the levels though.

What's particularly interesting about this is that not only are the passwords in clear text, each level is in clear text as well. So if we wanted to, we could extend this game by reverse-engineering the level format and creating our own levels.

If you want to download all of the game data yourself, grab the following files from the program directory off of their web server:


Then put them all in the same folder and associate ".swf" files with Internet Explorer.

So who's up for challenging each other with new levels?
Tony Fabris