Know anyone who's got one and is willing to demonstrate it to your wife?
I got my dad one of those a year and a half ago for his birthday. He took it out of the wrapping and declared it crap in his cranky old man way. (I wanted to wring his neck, as I paid what was at the time on my burger waitress salary, a HUGE sum of money for the unit and the lifetime service).
I hooked it up about a week later ande showed him how to work it. The next day, he was on the phone with his friends like an over excited 8 year old with a new toy. They had to come over and see this thing. Almost all of them gt a tivo from their wives for christmas that year (some of them have yet to get a hold of that remote since).
She's gotta see one in action. Like an empeg.
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony