1. I'm not a Vegetarian

(though the more i learn the closer i become)
2. I'm not crusading or anything of the sort... just trying to share something that i found incredibly fascinating and educating. I've been a meat lover all of my life, until i recently started researching what the F it was i was actually eating. I take this lot as a recently intelligent group, and i figured you might all be interested in a little information on your own social manipulation and fast food corporate culture. Seriously... this book is one of those insane eye openers, and even if you already know a lot of what it says, you probably have no idea of the degree to which various things exist. There's more info in that book than you could find in years of research about everything from target marketing to your kids, where all those french fries come from, fast food labor issues, the oh so disgusting meat packing plants, to midwest cattle ranchers being driven out of business by huge conglomorate Agri-business Co's... and almost 1/5 of the book is the citations. Microsofts exist in plenty of business areas.
Ignorance is bliss though.