There is a Tetris clone available at Brian's site. Go under Programming and then look for Tetris. Right now it doesn't yet integrate with the player, i.e. you have to quit to a shell prompt and then run it. Brian could probably port it to use Hijack's display/input routines but I'm sure we'd all rather have him working on his translucent/illuminated buttons hack.

I had thought about porting Emptris to Hijack myself, but it never topped my list of stuff to do.

In any event I did release a very early version of a Trivia game which does bind to Hijack, but most people claimed it was too difficult to install. Until we find an easy way to install programs on the Empeg (and no, putting them in the kernel is not the answer!) that's going to be the major stumbling block.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff