Okay, here's where I am:
- PSP5.01 has no way of doing this
- I discovered that my camera did in fact come with PShop 5.0 (LE), but this version doesn't have any such features as "automate" or "action" as far as I can tell
-I tried Irfan or whatever it was, and it will do some of what I want, but not really (explained below)
-I tried GIMP, but forget that program for me

besides, I couldn't really find any way to do it
What many programs I've seen out there want to do, is automate a batch conversion with very few options specifically for creating thumbnails on the web. While I do want to do this, that's not all I want to do. I want to be able to take a directory with 50 images in it (all of same or different size), and change their size to 320x240 or even better, reduce by percentage (for vertical shots from camera and for scanned images). This is just an example, but it is something that I'll want to do. As of now I don't really see any good options for this, besides spending hundreds of dollars on Paintshop. I'm going to keep looking around the freeware programs and see if I can find anything