You saved me the trouble of posting a similar thread tonight. Actually, I had gotten about half way writing my initial post in the pogramming section when I decided to just put it off for another day.
I'd like an easy toggle or something semi-automated as well. I have a possible advantage, in that I'd like a fixed IP at home, but don't need it to be a specific number (not with my current setup anyway).
For me, a simple solution would be a small app that would find out what the empeg's assigned IP is, and toss it into my HOSTS file along with an alias.
That would give me a "constant" to reference the machine at home.
Anyone want to make that small app? The only negative is that the app would still need to be manually launched - unless it was active on the system all the time (not something I consider ideal). And this avoids having to set up a DHCP server on this machine.

(But I'll look at the one linked to see what kind of impact it may have)