The radio station(s) where I work just installed new automation system and the other traffic person (besides myself) quit. (All of the on-air signal for all four stations play through a computer -- all the music is encoded MP-2 on a single server (150 GB hard drive space, 256 MB RAM, dual 500 MHz Pentium III's running through fiber optic cabling at 100 megabit/sec on Windows NT, makes the best damn DOOM server you ever played on!) I have been working 15 hour days, haven't even checked my e-mail since last Thursday. Steep learning curve, and of course since it's different from what I'm used to, it can't possibly be any good.

It's gonna be about another week before I have it all back together again.
So, feel sorry for me. I am certainly feeling sorry for myself!
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"