Since I work for Hughes, I can't answer that

, but we are only partly invested in Satellite Radio, so I wouldn't have much to offer besides my experience with people stealing DirecTV signals...
My stance on that? I think it is wrong. I've even had people offer me hacked cards. Didn't quite seem to be worth losing my job over (that and I get free service anyway).:) As far as Canada goes... I guess I don't have any issues with actual Canadian citizens getting the service. Whatever trade regulations between the US and Canada or DirecTV and Canada that are limiting their options are beyond their control. I do believe however that a majority, in face a VAST majority of the cards being sold in Canada are for export to the US. And I have no sympathy for Canadians that are using it as an excuse to legally obtain these cards and then turn around and illegally distribute them across the border. Pure and simple, it is theft. Running satellites and the support infrastructure to keep them in service is extremely expensive.
Now if DirecTV would just make some deal wherein they agree to carry CBC (the best hockey coverage PERIOD) maybe something could be worked out!
My favorite DirecTV story was the Superbowl a few years ago "black Sunday" when DirecTV had been downloading a new authorization program to all receivers for the previous week. Sometime in the morning before the game, all illegal boxes went into "blackout". Sure, the hackers had a work around in a few days and were able to get most people up in a week or so - but the impact was priceless.
One interesting note: I know more "well-off" people who steal cable and DSS than people who could argue they simply don't have the financial means (that isn't an excuse either.) I mean, you have 2 Caddies in the drive-way, 2 other luxury SUV's and tons of property - but you have to steal cable??!