Baby steps.... start off software updates, then the boot up logo etc...
I have to disagree with the stance on ftp... until recently, ftp was kept very much out of the average user's radar. Unless you have regular access to your own server space (through a hosting company), you really don't need it. I never needed it until I started designing web pages. And it was only recently that Windows came with it built in. We can get on our high horse about how everyone shouldn't be using IE and everyone should be using CuteFTP or whatever, but in the "real-world" (ie, people's lives that don't revolve around computers) this is borderline elitist. This is similar to when a person walks into a record store and gets the eye roll for not knowing who Throbbing Gristle is and thinks that NIN invented industrial music.
I DO stand for the insistance of correct term usage and am always welcome to being corrected (even on grammar). For example, we don't connect to the empeg/RioCar with a serial cable - we use a null-modem serial cable.
Edit: correct, thanks. It was meant as an example... I guess it proves my point that it important to point these things out!