Your beer story reminds me of Mexican Corona beer. It seems everyone in the US thinks this stuff is gold. It is actually the cheapest, worst beer in Mexico. The Mexicans won't drink it. It just amazes me how many people drink this swill just because it remind them of spring break or becuase they sponsor volley ball games!

I hate that stuff! I'd rather drink Dos Equis or something. Of course... I don't trust any beer that comes in a clear bottle anyway. Except for New Castle. I really dig that beer for some reason. Maybe I just prefer a beer that you can't see through... whether it be the fault of the bottle or beer, I don't care!

Most American beer is so bad that we have to drink it so cold that ice almost forms.
We were lucky to have a micro beer movement about 10 years ago in the US that resulted in scores of local pubs.
Anybody remember Pfeiffer beer? check my site (very old and not updated)