Who wants to write an editor for Flancedoor?
Dance file format:
Byte offset Byte length Description
+0 1 Version number (this field is ignored)
+1 1 Number of moves in dance
+2 Variable Move definition
+2 + sizeof(Move def1 ...etc
Move format:
+0 13 Name of move
+13 1 Number of frames in move
+14 26 Frame definition
+40 26 ...etc
Frame format:
+0 2 XY coords
+2 2 XY coords
+4 2 XY coords
+6 2 XY coords
+8 2 XY coords
+10 2 XY coords
+12 2 XY coords
+14 2 XY coords
+16 2 XY coords
+18 2 XY coords
+20 2 XY coords
+22 2 XY coords
+24 1 Number of frames to interpolate over
+25 1 Displacement of each interpolated frame
(8 bit signed)
So a dance consists of a number of moves which each
consist of a number of key frames which are interpolated
The current dance files are breakdance.raw,
stonkdance.raw & princedance.raw, they are located
in /empeg/lib/visuals/