I can confirm your results as well. After my posting about having trouble with the kftpd and khttpd passwords and security settings, I decided to start over from scratch, so I've been using 2.0b11 with no Hijack for the last 3 days/300 miles to get a baseline observation of the car player's behavior. My car player always starts in track mode now, and when I hold down the bottom button, it goes to transient mode, just as I set it earlier.
A few other differences I noticed: When I was using 1.95 & 2.0b11, I would get frequent lockups and control lockouts (controls would stop responding). Also, I used the Hijack KnobLeft and KnobRight settings to force a left turn to change info and a right turn to change visual. It seemed to work great, but I noticed some wierd behavior right after bootup; after I held down the bottom button, the info type would rapidly cycle for 1-2 seconds, before settling on a random setting (as opposed to just going right to visual mode).
The only problem now is that I really like, want, and occasionally need the Hijack features.

Perhaps I should have posted this as a separate subject.