Well, I can understand that you can make the fonts bigger in horizontal scrolling, so that helps with legibility I suppose. What I envision in the vertical scrolling is something similar to the Now & Next info mode, where you have 4 (or 5?) lines of track names, with the current selected one in a larger font. I think that would work really well for Playlists as well. Now that I look closer at the Now&Next info view, it looks like there are only 4 lines, but it sure looks like there is room for 1 more line at the bottom (looks like 7 vertical pixels free). So, you could have 5 playlist artists displayed at once (or 4 if all were using the bigger font). Right >> scrolls down, and Left << scrolls up. I think it would be very ergonomically correct as regards GUI efficiency, and would give you a lot more info with a LOT less button pushes. Please, please implement this feature. There is no reason why the user couldn't be given the choice which type of layout to use. So everyone would be happy, including me!

Heck, since I'm a software developer (with lots of embedded programming experience) I wouldn't mind writing the software myself if the Player source was available, which I suppose it isn't.

I'll sign an NDA and do the work for free and give whoever owns the source unlimited license to use my additions, if anyone out there is listening.
I wonder if there is any way to add features? Is there an API for the player? Maybe the code is already there, and we just need the correct config.ini options? It wouldn't be the first time code is released with certain features disabled by default.