I've been off the hard-jar for several years (beer during UT football, though), so I'd probably be a wet blanket at a bar.

A weekday afternoon/morning would be good for me. I save the evenings for the wife. And it's easier to see installation stuff during the day anyway.

Speaking of installations, there'll be no laughing over home-grown stereo installs. There's only so much you can do with a Roto-Zip on the balcony of an apartment complex. I don't believe in paying an installer several thousand dollars to do something nice and shiney that I could do myself (just not as pretty)., and still sound just as good.

Why don't we get a list of people who are interested and where they live ... maybe we can plot this on a map and find an ideal location for everyone.

I'm right in downtown Big-D, literally. I could walk to work if I weren't going to school, and felt like getting mugged.
