you guys are just a bunch of babies in here.

it's really not that bad. Like I said, the toughest part was removing the four screws hold the fascia, removing the buttons, removing the lens, bending the tabs that hold the cover on, sliding the cover out, removing the 4 screws that hold the hard drive assembly in place, removing the hard drive assembly, unplugging the ide cable from the mainboard, removing the 4 screws that hold the display assembly on, removing the display ribbon cable from the mainboard, and taking the display assembly out of the case.

The soldering part was really not that bad - especially if you have a set of nice long tweezers handy. A good bright light, a fan, one or two beers later, and viola! I won't say that I was even close to the 7 second wonder, but I bet it took me no more than a minute to get it soldered.

So quit your whining! If you don't have the dexterity for the soldering pen, then email carsupport!

