There's a saying in Germany "Geld verdirbt den Charakter", which means "money destroys the character". It's obvious, that people want to make money, when they have a thing which is rare and there is a great demand for.
When i read first time on the BBS, that MK2a's are completely sold out, i searched ebay in an act of panic and bought a player for much too many money, just to read the next day about Jeremy and his "more than fair"-priced Players. So i ordered my third player from Jeremy and will try later to resell the high-priced unit to another "poor idiot" on ebay. I don't want to cheat anybody, i know, it was my fault, to buy it for that high-price without waiting for alternatives. I will just try to get my money back.
I just learned not to buy in a situation of despair. I want a tuner, but i won't buy one on ebay. If there are fair-priced tuners from the empeg-guys, then one is for me...

cheers, Thomas new owner of the MK1 00123 MK2 12GB 090000815 (my first one) MK2a 040103735 (from 303) and ???