OK first of all for some reason I can't see the images on the revious posts so I don't know what your original replacement VU background looks like, and I'm just bored right now to hook up the empeg to upload the raw file and check them out, but when I saw the attacment on this post I had a _MAJOR_ deja vu to say the least.

Sometime ago (23/3/04 actually as the date modiffied of the attached file indicates) I found an Anna VU backgroud I think in Brad's site and liked it, so I used it but also started messing with it and ended up with what's in the attached file (it's a logo editor file).

Now, I don't remember if the numbers where there (I DO remember adding some characters to "something" as I used Rio Font Editor to replicate the font exactly but I'm really not sure if it was for this or something else) but appart from the "hole" I added at the bottom of it to make it more real like I'll be dammed if they are not quite the same!!! Go figure.

The funny thing is, if I _DID_ add those numbers to the version that is on my player since March, then I did it completly randomly, just from faint memory of the logarithmic scale on a real VU. I'm sure I didn't mess with the scale points though (that would be work and I was lazy I'm sure). So if by accident I made something that took Tony using a calculator and prolux's feedback, please do let me know so I can go play lotto tomorrow

Also I do remember that brad had 2 versions of the file, one with symetrical screws and one with not but can't find his site right now to verify.

P.S. My vote on how the visual should behave, is both (i.e. "Anna VU" and "Anna VU RMS")

228713-AnnaVu&TuxMuch.bin (175 downloads)