i recently purchased a 60g riocar and more recently upgraded it and added hijack. on a side note, i can't believe how much BETTER my player is now that hijack is on it, if thats even possible. I can't come up with enough positive words praising this product. perrtaining to my subject line, why can't my girlfriend be like my empeg?

Reasons why empeg is better than my girlfriend

1) instead of buying accessories (jewelry, clothes) for the girlfriend because I have to, I buy accessories (carrying case, tuner, lens) for my empeg because i want too.

2) if my empeg acts up i can shut its power off

3) if i want additions like a third breast on my girlfriends back for when we slowdance i can't get it. but if i want additions most likely someone is hacking out a solution in hijack for my wish.

4) if my empeg starts to do things i don't want it to i can reload the defaul but with girlfriends they will never be like when you first met them

5) if my empeg develops a problem i know someone will come up with a bug fix but if my girlfriend develops a problem (ie eats too much and "develops" a large ass, i am stuck with it and can not say anything about it without the fear of getting smacked

please feel free to add your own reasons why your empeg is better than your girlfriend
Mark IIa - 60gb - Smoke
[blue]fitter, happier, more productive[/blue]