I don't know about you, but when I work on a SMALL website, I will probably generate at least a FEW gigabytes of image data. If I'm working with digital images, maybe even more. A piece of original artwork (non-jpeg) may be a 10MB file at one point. For anyone working on many jobs, source files will easily eat up gigabytes of space. If you don't want to keep archiving and cleaning your drive, having big drives is a must.
Working with any digital video is going to fill 100+GB drives in no time. Easy enough to do just shooting straight onto the disk. When you start editing mutiple streams it grows substantially.
Doing all this work you also need a certain minimum amount of free space. A nice swap partition of a few GB is nice. Better still to have a dedicated swap drive of around 20-30GB.
BTW, I have nearly 200 DVDs. My brother has over 300.

I don't consider ripping them to be a worthwhile effort. DVDs are already lossy compressed. Do I want/need them to be cut down in resolution and encoded with DIVX for any reason? Don't think so. For the reasons you mentioned primarily. Movies just aren't a portable cosumable like music is. Not right now anyway.