I've watched this problem for a while. What I've seem to have noticed is that the player, when picking songs randomly, sometimes will pick multiple songs out of the same playlist and play them back-to-back.
For example, say you have the following playlists:
Alternative Rock
Classic Rock
For the sake of argument, lets also assume there are tons of other playlists so that we can eliminate the "but that's only 6 playlists".
A typical random shuffle might look something like this:
Country song
Alternative Rock song
Random Playlist1 song
Swing song
Random Playlist2 song
Classic Rock song
Hip-Hop song
Random Playlist3 song
Random Playlist4 song
Singles song
However, I've noticed that when I shuffle, I tend to get playlists more like this:
Country song
Alternative Rock song
Random Playlist1 song
Swing song
Swing song
Random Playlist2 song
Classic Rock song
Hip-Hop song
Random Playlist3 song
Hip-Hop song
Random Playlist4 song
Singles song
I tend to notice grouping of songs from the same playlist. Sometimes it's from the same CD...sometimes it's from the same genre playlist.
Take a look yourselves for a week or two and tell me you don't notice this more often that what could fall under "chance".
MKIIa 10GB - 2.0b11 w/Hijack
MKIIa 60GB - 2.0 final w/Hijack