I don't have to give them credit for anything
There are actually plenty of bands out there that are getting fairly popular and are much better quality than the cut and dry style of Creed (imitating the grunge style but with much less creativity and originality).
Check out Queens of the Stone Age sometime, or their previous incarnation Kyuss (for a more straight ahead rock style). They're getting to be fairly well known, and they're coming out with an album this summer which will hopefully bring them even more into the mainstream. They are definitely my favorite band of this time.
PS- about "arms wide open", speaking of STP, check out the song "A Song for Sleeping" for a good rock song about fatherhood (well, it's really a lullaby, but it's by the better rock band of the two

As you can see, I'm very impartial
PPS- I just got an email in my inbox:
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I hate Creed.