just my 2c.
I am a brit living in Texas who has not had the years of 'the cable company is crap' indoctrination. But have lived in the UK where cable is non-existant and the satellite companies are the only game in town, so most of them are crap.
By comparison, the US companies seem to be light years ahead in customer service.
The only problem I have with cable is the lack of choice. If you have a good one, like Time Warner here in Austin then its great. But if you are stuck with a bad one, like Comcast in NJ then you are screwed.
A few examples CC never turned up for an appointment let alone be ontime. TW have shown up on time every time they have been.
CC rarely answered the phone and never pleasantly, but TW answer in a few rings and I have always spoken to well trained folk.
TW also has controllable Movies and HBO so you can fast forward and rewind etc.
Conversely I have never had anything but hassle from satellite in the UK so wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole!
Just my 2c and experience so far.......
the chewtoy for the dog of Life