Well, between movies and sports, sports is more important to me. As far as I can tell, all DirecTV offers that digital cable doesn't have is the NFL Sunday Ticket, and the only NFL games I really care that much about (Eagles games) are already on the normal channels anyway. I don't care about the Bengals playing the Chiefs. Digital cable offers the NBA and NHL packages, which are more important.. And as I was flipping through the channels (*s*l*o*w*l*y due to digital cable's crappy channel guide and crappy cable box which slows things down) I saw an insane amount of sports channels like ESPNNow, ESPNNews, etc. which I never had before. The local Fox Sports Net channels aren't of much interest to me, so I wasn't going to go with that package (besides they black out all the basketball/hockey games so they can sell you the season packages.)

I think only regret so far with digital cable are the stupid clunky box which takes 2-3 seconds to flip channels. But it was a much easier install than DirecTV would have been. At least channel-flipping on my other TV's is fast since I'm not using their dumb box.

I wish they'd send out a firmware upgrade or something to make the damn thing faster flipping between channels. What do they have, an 8088 inside those damn things?
- Tony C
my empeg stuff