Even without pulling from stdin or writing to stdout, I still get errors, with --vbr-new ... here's my most recent command line
lame --vbr-new "Sunday Girl.wav" "Sunday Girl.mp3"
I still get errors like the following:
Internal buffer inconsistency. flushbits <> ResvSizebit reservoir error:
l3_side->main_data_begin: 368
Resvoir size: 376
resv drain (post) 2
resv drain (pre) 0
header and sideinfo: 288
data bits: 3004
total bits: 3294 (remainder: 6)
bitsperframe: 2920
Is it possible cdparanoia is to blame with the orignal ripping? My options there were:
cdparanoia -qw $track $tmpwav .. nothing too crazy here.