I am using two of the Radio Shack remote extenders in my house. They are essentially the same product as the Terk Powermid and the X10 powermid. They work fine, even with universal remotes.

The only thing is that they are unidirectional. In order to go both directions, you need two sets.

I have had the following problems with the extenders:

1) One of the extenders is sitting on the kitchen windowsill just inside the glass, and is meant to get the IR signals from the hot tub to the Rio Receiver in the living room. It works great unless the setting sun is shining directly into the kitchen window. Then the IR receiver is getting random infrared rays from the sun and gets rather confused. David is supposed to be sending me some extra IR filter material to see if that helps it (haven't seen it, David, you mail it yet?). But if you don't plan on putting your IR repeaters in the sun, then you have nothing to worry about.

2) My Toshiba DVD player has a sketchy infrared input. For instance, if I point the remote control directly at the IR sensor on the DVD player, It will sometimes, intermittently, not respond to commands. For some reason which I cannot fathom, sending the remote signals through the IR repeater increases the likelihood of this intermittent problem. This is not a bug in the repeater as far as I can tell, it's the DVD player's problem. Every other device in my system responds to the IR repeater's signals just fine.

So yeah, go for it, they work.
Tony Fabris