I'm not having much luck tracking it down either... although I have found out lots of other various things...

primrose$ finger fiennes

Mr H Fiennes (estbzal) is not presently logged in.
Last seen at lupin on Mon Jan 27 02:38:50 1997 from downwind

And also, what he did for his third year project at Uni:


A web page made by him I never knew about...


(Although it does have a link to the MP3mobile, which was how I found out about empeg...

Also, a whole load of stuff for the Acorn, which I never knew he did, but used almost all of...

Asking various networking questions...

Christ, he's even got a virus named after him... (search for 'fiennes')

He's (or someone with the same name) also got his name on a spacecraft!

And, OK, this is scary, he even ran a BBS that I used to connect to...

But I can't find out his full surname for the life of me

Empeg Mk2a 128G with amber lit buttons kit - #30102490

PhotoVancouver | Squamish, BC Webcam | Personal Website