Yeah I have posted on zauruszone but haven't had a lot of luck with getting any help. It's already gone back to Sharp once because it had to be factory reset.
When I first tried to upgrade to v1.13 from the supplied v1.02 the unit died completely. It wouldn't even power up. When I first contacted support, Stuart (I think that was his name) said that he'd only ever heard of one other z doing this and that was on a test bed before release. After quite a few phone calls back and forth he said that since I first contacted them they'd had a few more doing the same thing. He had talked it through with his colleagues and the common factor seemed to be that we were all using large CF cards (128meg in my case). He arranged for it to be collected, repaired and delivered back to me within 2 days (excellent service - just like empeg

). He suggested that when I get it back to try a 32meg CF card.
A couple of months down the line I bought a 32meg card and tried again. The instructions said that both LEDs would illuminate but all I got was flashing LEDs. At least it didn't kill the z this time!! I've since tried lots of times and got the same thing. Eventually it did seem to start the upgrade. After about 2-1/2 minutes the LEDs extinguished (as per instructions) and a blank screen came up with the SHARP logo in Red in the centre and a flashing White block cursor in the bottom Right of the screen. I continued to follow the instructions and did a reset etc. When I powered up again all I got was the SHARP logo in Red again. From this state I couldn't power down using the On/Off button, I had to do a reset. I tried the upgrade a few more times with the 1.13 romimage with the same results. At this point I thought I'd try to go back to v1.02. At the point in the upgrade procedure when the LEDs extinguish, the Linux logo is displayed together with the following text:
INIT: version 2.78 booting
INIT: No inittab file found
Enter runlevel:
I have tried versions 1.02, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.13 (again) and they all do the same thing now. They appear to go through the update
process but at the end of it I just get the Linux logo with the text and prompting me to enter a runlevel below it.
I think it's about time I phoned support again.
Thanks for your offer of help. I might need it!!
I'll keep you posted.