Well, I would caution you against thinking that anything on my list sounds like anything else!

But I do recommend everything on my list. What were you planning on checking out that you don't have?
You know, I actually had a mind to put Roll the Bones on my top 10, but I wanted to stay with one artist per entry in the top 10 (for variety when stranded on a desert island.) To tell you the truth I find myself listening to it more than Moving Pictures nowadays. I know that most Rush diehards don't care much for the album, though most will secretly admit liking Dreamline.

In the end, I didn't want to start a religious war by putting Roll the Bones ahead of any of the more critically acclaimed Rush albums.
I actually didn't get into Rush until after Roll the Bones was released, though my first Rush album was tfabris' favorite, Exit... Stage Left. Then I got Moving Pictures and then Roll the Bones, Counterparts, and Chronicles, and eventually Test for Echo and Different Stages. Not even near having a complete Rush collection, but I plan to fill in the blanks as finances permit.
I just happen to think that every song on the album is a winner, and most of them hold their own with Rush's best work from the 70's and 80's. Most people rank Counterparts ahead of Roll The Bones when speaking of Rush's later works, but I would disagree. I do like Counterparts, but the only stand-out tracks for me are Cold Fire, Animate, and Nobody's Hero. Though none are really bad, it's not as consistent an album as Roll The Bones IMHO.