I had questions about this as well, I am flying cross country (USA) soon and later this year I am flying to Italy. I INTEND to carry on in two bags the following; a laptop, a Soundblaster Extigy, my Zaurus (SL-5500) with all the adapters and such, the empeg of course and all the stufff for it, A Sony NETMD walkman, a USB hub and a digital camera. Primarily I want to carry these items on as I am not very trusting of airport employees of any kind and I will refuse (as much as possible) to check them. Ok honestly I am not very trusting of anyone and I am paranoid ba$tard. LOL

By the way the Extigy and the Empeg work great together. The Extigy definately will power a set of good digital monitor headphones if you have the power plugs available. Once in Italy I don't intend to have anything for a stereo other than the Extigy/Empeg Combo and a good set of 5.1 speakers, the laptop and the Sony MP3 player. (The 5.1's are primarily for the DVD's via the laptop)


Edited by stahimooney (07/06/2002 08:12)
Build a man a fire-keep him warm for an evening-set him on fire-he is warm for the rest of his life.