Well, he stumbled across the two most probable miss-detections EAC can do:
1. He has a drive that says it supports C2 error detection while it doesn't.
2. He has a drive that says it does not cache audio while it actually does.
If he had originally enabled the checkmark at "drive caches audio", he probably wouldn't have had any problem, because even with C2 detection turned on, EAC still reads every bit of audio twice in secure mode, so when EAC works around the drive cache, it should still find a problem, even if C2 missed it.
Sadly, and as André always said, there is no secure way for EAC to detect these two features (it can safely detect accurate stream though, but that only makes a 2% performance difference), so if you are in doubt, disable the C2 and enable the audio cache flags.

proud owner of MkII 40GB & MkIIa 60GB both lit by God and HiJacked by Lord