So I've just finished putting together my new PC. It was fun, frustrating, and somewhat rewarding

This is the first one I've ever built myself, and it was definitely a new and great experience.
Here's all the specs on the new machine. Not too shabby, I must say
-AMD Athlon 2100+ 1.73GHz processor
-1GB (two 512 sticks) of PC2700 RAM
-SOYO Dragon Ultra Platinum Edition motherboard
-Lian-Li PC75 Aluminum case w/15 drive bays and extremely large side window
-Antec True550 power supply (550 Watts)
-80GB Western Digital Caviar Special Edition HDD w/ 8MB buffer
-Windows 2000 w/Service Pack 2
-Floppy drive (hey, it's silver, so it's special

Those were the new items that made up the new machine. The rest were items from my old Dell that were mostly upgrades to
that machine:
-Toshiba DVD drive
-Adaptec 2930 SCSI card (think that's the model...)
-Iomega ZIP 100 internal drive
-100GB Western Digital HDD (7200RPM)
-ATI All-In-Wonder Radeon
I think that's about it. Hope I didn't forget anything...
Anyway, I'm really enjoying this thing. Despite a cabling problem that had me cursing for about 5-6 hours, the rest of the setup wasn't too bad. Windows has been acting up on me a bit, but I'm not too worried. I just need to get it set up and going.
So that's all! I just wanted to brag a little. I'm sure there's plenty of folk out there with much better machines than this, but this one's mine, so I'm proud of it