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#103545 - 10/07/2002 11:15 Re: Yz33d sure picked the wrong day to f*ck with me. [Re: JBjorgen]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 20/12/1999
Posts: 31593
Loc: Seattle, WA
Tony, but maybe you should just lock it up and let it die.

He hasn't responded to my suggestion yet.
Tony Fabris

#103546 - 10/07/2002 12:05 Re: Yz33d sure picked the wrong day to f*ck with me. [Re: tfabris]

Registered: 13/01/2002
Posts: 1649
Loc: Louisiana, USA
Has anyone taken a look at d33zY's profile?

If you want it to break, buy Sony!

#103547 - 10/07/2002 12:12 Re: Yz33d sure picked the wrong day to f*ck with me. [Re: maczrool]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 20/12/1999
Posts: 31593
Loc: Seattle, WA
Yeah, I looked at it yesterday. Cute. "BBS Outlaw" and "Creating Frankenstein".

Still doesn't have his real email address in it. We'll see how it pans out.
Tony Fabris

#103548 - 10/07/2002 12:37 Re: Yz33d sure picked the wrong day to f*ck with m [Re: svferris]

Registered: 23/01/2002
Posts: 506
Loc: The Great Pacific NorthWest
This is an extremely complex situational equation. Dependent on the so many things. The social structure of the working body. The attitudes of the bosses and workers alike, all working for a common goal, just there for the money or status etc. As I am a veteran in my line of work and also have worked for the same company for over 10 years I have no trouble with telling anyone that I disagree. But one of the things I learned early was to do it with tact and respect. I understand the chain of command and have no problem working within it. I have never had a problem with telling my superiors that they were wrong. I have always done it with respect and if they still did not agree with me than I followed their lead and did as they asked. I think as an employee who is paid to think that it is my duty to do so. It is also my duty to follow their requests if they differ from mine.

No matter where you might be, there you are.

#103549 - 10/07/2002 12:43 Re: Yz33d sure picked the wrong day to f*ck with me. [Re: tfabris]

Registered: 01/11/2001
Posts: 354
Loc: Maryland
Well, its nice to see that it seems this is being resolved. I've been reading over this thread for the last few days - but found it difficult to find anything new to say that hasn't been said, but I must say both "sides" have brought very good points. I found it hard to pick a side, although I agree with what Tony did - I especially like the Toilet Paper analogy.

Not to beat a dead horse - but attitude does go very far in a situation like this. I have been involved in some activities in my youth that draw a similarity to what Yz33d did. In High school, I was involved in various publications - Yearbook, newspaper, etc and as such, our classes were held in a computer lab full of crappy Macs - well I suppose they were "decent" at the time, they got the job done. I thought it would be amusing to load a plugin on one of the computers that would cause the mouse pointer to turn into a small mouse, and proceed to take a crap on the screen, leaving a steaming pile of black poo there, complete with sound effect. Well, much to my dismay, the teacher did not find this at all amusing. Turns out, this, and subsequent pranks and such would land me in a hot seat of trouble, and my attitude contributed to my penalty. I was banned from the English department computers for the rest of the year, and they relocated the English dept. computer lab we used into the English wing of my school so the teachers could watch it. I ended up being banned from all school computers as word spread, and the school was caused to draft a "Proper computer use" policy or something.

Well, I straightened up my act and within a year or so, I was being respected for my abilities - since I learned to put them to good use. The very same teachers that were involved with my punishment respected me as I had earned their trust back.

Sorry if this is a little long winded - but I usually don't say very much. While even to this day the things that I did are very amusing sounding, and I still laugh, I would not think of doing these things anymore, especially now at my job. Even so, attitude definitely goes a far way. I hope Yz33d has the opportunity to stay, some of his more recent posts seem to indicate that he may earn the respect of the BBS.

I would be pissed, however, if a barking dog kept me up all night. You know, I'm not suggesting anything, but a better life awaits that dog at a big farm in the country, and it would be a shame if it were to become a passenger of a van travelling to said remote location, only for the occupants of the vehicle to release... Ahhh I digress.
BleachLPB ------------- NewFace MK2a

#103550 - 10/07/2002 12:55 Re: Yz33d sure picked the wrong day to f*ck with me. [Re: BleachLPB]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 20/12/1999
Posts: 31593
Loc: Seattle, WA
Yeah, the mouse graphic thing is a very good analogy.

but a better life awaits that dog at a big farm in the country

I think that's how it got here, actually.

There are perfectly acceptable barking-dog control laws in place in my county, so such extreme measures are not necessary:

    Sec. G-IV 1.51 Abatement of Nuisance – Barking/Howling

    A. For purposes of this Section, evidence that the dog has barked or howled for an aggregate period of twenty (20) minutes out of one hour shall be sufficient for conviction; provided, however, that any barking or howling provoked by a loose running dog or other animal or nearby pedestrians shall not be included in such aggregate time. Provocation in the forms listed herein must occur within 100 feet of the barking or howling dog to be sufficient.

    B. For purposes of this Section, evidence that two or more dogs are provoking each other to bark shall be sufficient for conviction under this Section, so long as the barking continues for an aggregate twenty (20) minutes out of one hour, regardless of which dog commenced the barking. In such instances, owners of each dog involved shall be subject to citation. Proof that any individual dog barked for an aggregate twenty (20) minutes out of an hour shall not be required if it is shown that the barking of the two or more dogs was continuous sequentially or in concert for a twenty (20) minute period.

    C. Upon receipt of any complaint based on continuous or incessant barking or howling, an Animal Control Officer shall investigate and take a report from any complaining witness.

    D. Upon evaluation of the report, if in the opinion of the Animal Control Officer a valid complaint exists, the officer shall contact the owner of the animal complained about with a warning letter sent via certified mail, and advise the owner of the existence of the complaint and instruct the owner to abate the nuisance. This shall constitute the animal owner’s first Notice and Warning. Any person aggrieved by any action resulting from application of this provision may appeal such decision as specified in Section G-IV 1.61.

    E. If the Animal Control Officer is unable to contact the owner personally, he shall leave posted on the premises in a conspicuous location a notice to contact Animal Control within five (5) days regarding the complaint.

    F. If a second complaint is received within a six month period after the giving of such notice and warning regarding a dog barking or howling incessantly and continuously, whether or not the owner has responded to Animal Control as set forth in paragraph E above, the Animal Control Officer shall investigate the second complaint and take a report from any complaining witness.

    G. Upon evaluation of the report, if in the opinion of the Animal Control Officer the dog is creating a nuisance by barking or howling incessantly or continuously, the Animal Control Officer shall issue a citation to the owner of said animal for a violation of this Section. Such violation shall be an infraction. Personal appearance before the court shall be mandatory. Forfeiture of bail shall not constitute a resolution of a violation of this Section.

    H. If the Animal Control Officer receives a third complaint regarding the same animal within one year from the first complaint, he shall repeat the process set forth in paragraphs F and G, above.

    I. If the Animal Control Officer received a complaint after one year or more has elapsed since the most recent prior complaint, the officer shall issue a warning and continue pursuant to paragraphs C through H, above.

    J. All complaints received by the Animal Control Officer shall be destroyed two years after receipt.

    K. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prevent any party from bringing a civil action to abate the nuisance.

    L. During the investigation of complaints, both parties will be encouraged to settle local disputes with the option of mediation. A brochure from Mediation Services of Nevada County will be provided to complainant.

The first official complaint has been filed with Animal Control. We'll see how it pans out...
Tony Fabris

#103551 - 10/07/2002 13:02 Re: Yz33d sure picked the wrong day to f*ck with me. [Re: tfabris]
old hand

Registered: 14/04/2002
Posts: 1172
Loc: Hants, UK
When I was at school about six years ago the only two PCs were in the library (the rest where Acorns - yay!). When one of them had a problem a friend booted it into DOS to do something (config.sys I think). The librarian came across and didn't understand what he was doing and sent him to the Headteacher. There he got a severe bollocking from the who was told he was trying to "hack" the PC - she refused to listing to any explanations.
He is now fairly senior in the Hampshire County Council Education IT support service, and recently he gleefully told me he was able to administer a severe bollocking back to the very same Headteacher for puchasing unapproved PCs which they would find very difficult to support!

What goes around comes around - even if it takes six years!


#103552 - 10/07/2002 13:11 Re: Yz33d sure picked the wrong day to f*ck with me. [Re: g_attrill]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 08/03/2000
Posts: 12337
Loc: Sterling, VA
I so love stories like that.

Mine doesn't have a cool ending, but oh well. In high school a friend and I wanted to run our school band's web site. Unfortunately, it was on the school's servers. That meant we had to go to the library, have a librarian type in the log/pass for us, and stand there by our computer (which was behind a chained-off area), while we did whatever work we wanted to do.

So my friend and I moved it to a free account on or somewhere. Man did that kill it. I don't think our band has a web site any more

#103553 - 10/07/2002 14:27 Re: Yz33d sure picked the wrong day to f*ck with me. [Re: g_attrill]
carpal tunnel

Registered: 17/01/2002
Posts: 3996
Loc: Manchester UK
In reply to:

He is now fairly senior in the Hampshire County Council Education IT support service, and recently he gleefully told me he was able to administer a severe bollocking back to the very same Headteacher for puchasing unapproved PCs which they would find very difficult to support!


Andy M

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