After an endless waiting time (Registered since about 1 1/2 years now) I finally got my MK2 yesterday.
I was quite good informed what to do, how to download etc. because of this BBS. Really cool what mass on useful information all those guys (Tony, DIGNAN17, tanstaafl, ... to name just some of them) gave to the BBS-users.
After unpacking the Mk2 my eyes nearly fell out of my head. I think I've seen every photo posted here and on the
empeg and
geek sites. But in nature the Mk2 looks simply GREAT!!!
I installed the software on the laptop and hooked up the Mk2 via USB (I did it BEFORE installing the software - so emplode couldn't find the Mk2. So I rebootet (after removing the "unknown" Item from the System-panel). After that emplode found the Mk2 immediately. As I read later in the Readme.txt (I'm used to try first, then to read) you have to connect the Mk2 AFTER installing the software.
Then I tried how the software works. It's really easy to use and quite intuitive. I have all my mp3's on CD. So I tried to sync the Mk2 directly with the CD - Tony - you wanted to know if it works - YES!! It works! Really fine. Accidentially I touched the "Open Tray"-button on the CD-Rom during the sync. Then the laptop asked me for the CD. After I closed the tray again the syncing continued without any problem!! Really cool!
For all people out there and waiting for the Mk2 - It is really easy to use, to configure to sync. Sometimes I was a bit worried about that. But it's really well made and I can't imagine something that could go wrong at the moment.
After syncing the 1st CD i hooked it up to my home HIFI. The sound is clean as if it comes from CD. (But I havend made a comparisation between CD and Mk2 directly till now. I'll make it maybe this evening)
After that I went to my car and had a look for the pins of the ISO connector of the Mk2 and my car. Of course my car's pins were a bit different than the standard-ISO-connector. So I had to reroute the car's ISO connector to a standard-ISO-connection. To say it clearly once again:
It was my car's ISO that wasn't pinned right, NOT the Mk2's!! So people out there - watch out for the ISO of YOUR car - it could be different, too! (Better have a look before blowing the Mk2!)
After connecting the sled i put in the Mk2. And it really kicked ass!!! The sound is very bright and clear (I fixed my noise problem that I had before - It was a partially broken RCA-jack on my cabling

The ONLY thing that I'm not too glad with is the display-colour. The amber is amber - but not really fitting my car

It's a bit too much going to yellow for my taste. I think the red would do it better for me. But I tried a red-transparent book-cover (you know them from school maybe

) over the display an then the colour exactly hits my needs.

Well - maybe I'll order a red display later...
In summary I can say - Big thanks to the guys@empeg for developing such a NIICCCEE thing! It's really great! And people out there - you can be sure that you can look forward to getting you Mk2! The most impressing car-hifi-unit I've seen so far. Good sound quality, ease to use and those visuals....

After getting it you can be sure it was worth waiting for it for such a long time!
Reg#948 - already ordered a Mk2.