#147889 - 11/03/2003 05:49
Custom Lenses
Registered: 13/04/2001
Posts: 481
Loc: Pompano Beach, Florida
Just to let everyone know I have started on finishing up the orders but it will take a little time since my cracked rib is still slowing me down.
BTW the orders have dropped off to near nothing. If they don't pick up soon they will no longer be available. It is not worth doing otherwise.
#147890 - 11/03/2003 06:10
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: DarkStorm]
old hand
Registered: 14/08/2001
Posts: 886
Loc: London, UK
I'd better get my order in soon then...
Hope the rib isn't too painful - they are not much fun.
Mk2a RioCar 120Gb - now sold to the owner of my old car Rio Karma - now on ebay...
#147891 - 13/03/2003 05:58
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: furtive]
Registered: 13/04/2001
Posts: 481
Loc: Pompano Beach, Florida
It hurts like hell, even to breathe.
Only 2 orders? I guess everyone has ordered what they want already.
Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.
#147892 - 13/03/2003 06:04
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: DarkStorm]
Registered: 16/06/2000
Posts: 1682
Loc: Greenhills, Ohio
I think some people are waiting for others to post pictures of some of the newer lenses before they order.
MKI #017/90
#147893 - 13/03/2003 06:29
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: Laura]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 15/08/2000
Posts: 4859
Loc: New Jersey, USA
Question: is there any demand for lenses based on 303's NewFace? I know this was brought up in threads previously, but is there any interest at this point? That might also be a new source of orders, if enough people are interested to warrant it.
Paul Grzelak 200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs
#147894 - 13/03/2003 10:34
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: DarkStorm]
old hand
Registered: 14/08/2001
Posts: 886
Loc: London, UK
I pick my new car up tomorrow. I can't remember what colour the dash lights are so will be ordering once I've had a look.
Mk2a RioCar 120Gb - now sold to the owner of my old car Rio Karma - now on ebay...
#147895 - 13/03/2003 10:55
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: furtive]
Registered: 27/12/2001
Posts: 504
Loc: Lummi Island, WA
Ill be ordering a smoke, as soon as I can see what the beveled one looks like in action.
...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.
#147896 - 13/03/2003 13:54
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: fusto]
Registered: 08/04/2002
Posts: 105
Loc: Charlotte, NC
As will I (order a beveled lens)
10+40 Gig Mk2a... with Tuner. S/N 040103784 || 2001 Jeep TJ, 60th Anniversary Edition
#147897 - 13/03/2003 17:47
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: pgrzelak]
Registered: 13/04/2001
Posts: 481
Loc: Pompano Beach, Florida
Not very many.
But you know what? I think I'm going to close it down anyway.
I'm getting sick of people complaining about how long it is taking for their order. I know I'm taking a long time this year and that it's only been a few people but it's those few and the way they word it that stresses me out. I thought this community was more understanding than that. You know I bet that Brian doesn't get the complaints that I get and from what I hear his wait times are a year!
I do this in what spare time I get and so far this year I've had none. All because of my transmission frying and being without transportation up until a couple of weeks ago, then my computer's hard drive crashing and having to rebuild it. Cracking my damn rib which I am still recuperating from.
For me, this year sucks so far.
Then I get people going where is my order? I've waited a long time!
Damn! Don't people bother to read the board?
Is there anyone who has ordered up until the end of last year that I screwed out of there money? Because that's what some people are acting like I'm trying to do.
This is starting to be not enjoyable anymore.
Sorry. I needed to rant.
#147898 - 13/03/2003 19:27
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: DarkStorm]
old hand
Registered: 28/12/2001
Posts: 868
Loc: Los Angeles
Hey Darkstorm, I am sorry to hear that this has been a bad experience for you. Nevertheless, I thank you for the lenses I have gotten, and appreciate you doing it for us.
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB
#147899 - 13/03/2003 20:06
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: DarkStorm]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
Steve, that's nuts and utter BS that anybody would treat you like that! You've always provided great customer service and perfect product. I've always appreciated the fact that you had something at your disposal and wanted to share it with the rest of hte empeg community. It's clear that you don't do this to make money - you do it to help the community.
Brad B.
#147900 - 13/03/2003 20:15
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: DarkStorm]
Registered: 25/04/2000
Posts: 1529
Loc: Arizona
I've said it before to Steve in private emails, but I'll say it in public. I love the lenses he made. I ordered a few, and have been impressed with each and every one.
Sometimes, real life gets in the way of hobbies. [censored] happens. If it takes a while to get the lenses, there is probably a damn good reason for it. Just relax, you'll get your lenses, and it will be worth the wait. This is something Steve does as just a hobby. Hobbies are suppose to be fun and enjoyable - adding stress to what is already a really shitty year for him is no way to encourage him to keep making lenses, or coming up with new colors.
#147901 - 13/03/2003 21:33
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: DarkStorm]
Registered: 08/08/2000
Posts: 351
Loc: chicago
if you stop making these lenses, it will be our loss. most around here appreciate the work you put into this sideline, and they really are a great value.
#147902 - 14/03/2003 05:28
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: djc]
Registered: 14/06/2002
Posts: 337
I just came in on this post and I can't believe that anyone would complain to Steve. So far I have got 2 light blue lenes 2 smoke lenes and 3 gels all of them were shippied very fast, even the gels which he has to hand cut! I have been VERY pleased with his work and would hate to see it go. Oh and Steve I really hope you feel better soon I know how painful that rib can be.
Ben mk2a 60gig green/Greenlights Buttons mk2a 60gig green/Greenlights Buttons mk2a 40gig blue no illumination....yet hijacked
#147903 - 14/03/2003 08:09
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: DarkStorm]
Registered: 31/01/2002
Posts: 89
Loc: Texas
I want you to know that I am in complete support of you and your efforts. I currently have a raised smoke on order and have been waiting for quite a while. But you know what? I am quite happy to wait for much longer. I have been waiting for a lighted button kit since some time in March or April of last year and have yet to hear anything about the status of my order. I do not know if I even have a button order anymore. At least you give us updates on the BBS about how things are progressing. I have made a couple of purchases from you in the past and I hope that I will have the opportunity to make more in the future.
Don't let a few impatient customers get you down. There are many more that are understanding and happy to know you are there.
'a stock car stereo is a beautiful thing to waste'
MKIIa 60gb
MKIIa 20gb
#147904 - 14/03/2003 14:38
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: DarkStorm]
Registered: 23/10/2002
Posts: 110
Sure hope you change your mind. Please don't let a few unreasonable members ruin it for all of us. I still need to order
a few florescent blue
#147905 - 14/03/2003 23:47
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: DarkStorm]
Registered: 20/01/2002
Posts: 2085
Loc: New Orleans, LA
Man.. Sorry to hear about the injuries... What happened?
I just can't understand why people would complain. I mean, you're doing them a favor. It's not like you make a killing on lenses. And it's not like you haven't been here a while. Sheesh. The way I figure it, It's paid for, it's just $25, and when I get a surprise in the mail it will just be an early christmas! If I had to guess why people would be upset, it's that the website lists items as "In Stock", implying that you have them lying around waiting to put a label on a box and ship. Most people know better, but some don't.
#147906 - 15/03/2003 10:54
Cooler than my Empeg
[Re: DarkStorm]
Registered: 09/03/2001
Posts: 71
Loc: Alice Springs - Australia
Steve's really good, don't bag him,
Hey Steve I could never get my Red Lens to fit properly even after you kindly sent me a second one, (the second one was much the same) there was always wierd gaps around the edges that varied like .1mm to 2 mm around the raised bit that looked pox I could never get that really great look like your pictures, with the glowing line around the edges (I thought it would be more beveled to get that effect) I think my Empeg must be a wierd shape so I gave up, (anybody want to buy a cheap red lens?, I expect they would be fine for anybody else, dunno, no guarantees) one time when I was trying a third time to make it fit my Empeg jumped off the table and fell on the carpet and near gave me a freakin heart attack.
Ok so I have surfed your site 5 or 6 times, and was considering purchasing the plain flat filters, but I am easily confused and have put off purchasing because I didn't really understand it. (I can be dumb) I would like to get a Smoke Lens, and the way I think it goes is - that is a flat clear smoke plastic it looks like I buy 1 of those and then a minimum of 4 colors? and the colors (filters) are the same size and shape? and go behind the smoke plastic to give it the color, I think that is how it goes but I was never really clear on it all ,,, anyway that would be $30 for the smoke lens then $20 for 4 colors = $50us + the shipping is that right, is there any detailed pictures of these lenses, if I could really see what I am buying and understand it I would have probably placed an order long ago. anyway sorry to hear about your rib man, I haven't been reading much lately, what did you do fight of an Empeg Theif?
Actually I have finally (it took a long time) a toy CooLer than my Car stereo, I got a Compaq TC1000 Tablet PC and set up a Linksys Wireless Access Point off my Hub then ADSL with a Proxy, it's the Bee's Knees Man, lie back in bed and surf the net or sit in the garden and plug in my web cam, remote control half my house, Lately I listen to my MP3's with the headphones plugged into the wireless tablet or lounge out in the sunshine listen to internet radio while kicking back with a beer, I am so impressed, I have been thinking this thing would be Cool mounted in the Car, it sounds fine though it hasn't got 4v Bur Brown Outputs, I dunno if I could hear the difference, but I could get Geiss running in the car Man that would be rad.
#147907 - 15/03/2003 11:19
Re: Cooler than my Empeg
[Re: Gazz]
Registered: 13/04/2001
Posts: 481
Loc: Pompano Beach, Florida
You are correct about the Gel setup. A Gel Filter is kind of like thick colored cellophane. They are used for high powered stage lighting. They are hand cut to the same shape as a lens and are held in behind the lens using the lens itself and the mounting screws.
Unfortunately I don't have a decent camera or I would put better pictures up.
I'm not sure where you got $30 from but the Smoke goes for $20. Maybe you need to refresh you're the browser page cache?
Unless.... Ok. I know what you're looking at. The one with a $30 price is for a Smoke Lens with a Gel Filter permanently attached. If you want to be able to change them then you need to get a normal Smoke Lens ($20ea) from the "Buy Lens" page and then order the Gel Filters separately ($5ea.)from the "Buy Gel" page.
As far as the theft deterrent I got a high end stock stereo from the junkyard but the damn thing works perfectly and because of that I'm having a hard time bringing myself to hack it up to be a dummy display cover. Maybe I'll look for a broken one in the future.
Believe it or not I cracked my rib by putting in the Empegs sled in my Lincoln (now that it's finally running again) and leaning over the thigh bolsters on the passenger seat. I guess my doctors irritating nurse was right about smoking making you're bones brittle. I guess just the pressure of me leaning over it was enough to give it a hairline fracture.
#147908 - 15/03/2003 14:18
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: DarkStorm]
new poster
Registered: 07/02/2002
Posts: 6
Loc: Chicago
What would be the best color to match the VW's Red and Blue? I have the stock Rio Car Blue, but it does'nt quite match.
#147909 - 16/03/2003 03:19
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: bsieloff]
Registered: 27/10/2002
Posts: 568
I have used a clear lense with Medium Special Lavender gel. It's close, but not quite purple enough. There was someone that used an inkjet to print out a transparency that was allegedly correct. You can try that....
#147910 - 16/03/2003 14:57
Re: Cooler than my Empeg
[Re: DarkStorm]
Registered: 20/01/2002
Posts: 2085
Loc: New Orleans, LA
Wow, that sucks... As for the smoking making your bones brittle, smoking diminishes your ability to absorb calcium, and as such, can lead to brittle bones over extended time. More likely you hit it at a funny angle.
#147911 - 17/03/2003 16:21
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: lectric]
Registered: 08/01/2002
Posts: 419
Loc: Minnesota
Just adding to the praises here, in case anyone is wondering about placing an order. I've got several lenses myself, they fit perfectly and came very quickly. I'm 100% happy.
#147912 - 18/03/2003 07:48
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: tracerbullet]
Registered: 08/04/2002
Posts: 105
Loc: Charlotte, NC
Anyone gotten ahold of the beveled smoke lens? What makes the raised edges look different from the normal smoke lens?
10+40 Gig Mk2a... with Tuner. S/N 040103784 || 2001 Jeep TJ, 60th Anniversary Edition
#147913 - 18/03/2003 07:54
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: csf]
Registered: 27/12/2001
Posts: 504
Loc: Lummi Island, WA
Apparently a couple of people have them on order.
I'm just waiting to see what it looks like installed so I can decide between beveled or flat.
...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.
#147914 - 27/03/2003 18:42
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: fusto]
Registered: 26/12/2001
Posts: 386
Loc: Miami, FL - Sioux Falls, SD
Hrm. I sent an email to darkstorm on monday just to see how he was doing but got no response. Anyone know what's up? I placed my order Feb 18th so I was just curious.
#147915 - 27/03/2003 19:14
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: mandiola]
Registered: 16/06/2000
Posts: 1682
Loc: Greenhills, Ohio
I sent my payment on January 21st. I guess they aren't ready to be shipped yet.
MKI #017/90
#147916 - 28/03/2003 11:33
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: Laura]
old hand
Registered: 31/12/2001
Posts: 1109
Loc: Petaluma, CA
Ya i sent mine on January 28th, Just wait i suppose.
Justin Larsen
#147917 - 28/03/2003 12:51
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: justinlarsen]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 15/08/2000
Posts: 4859
Loc: New Jersey, USA
He has been ill, and had a lot of other problems come up this year. They will come when they are ready.
Paul Grzelak 200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs
#147918 - 28/03/2003 13:30
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: pgrzelak]
Registered: 15/02/2002
Posts: 314
Loc: New Hampshire, USA
And they are so worth the wait!!!
#147919 - 28/03/2003 15:52
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: pgrzelak]
Registered: 16/06/2000
Posts: 1682
Loc: Greenhills, Ohio
I think the majority of us are waiting patiently, I haven't bothered Steve.
MKI #017/90
#147920 - 28/03/2003 15:57
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: Laura]
Registered: 15/02/2002
Posts: 314
Loc: New Hampshire, USA
He has enough to deal with at the moment.
#147921 - 28/03/2003 17:27
Re: Custom Lenses
[Re: phi144]
old hand
Registered: 31/12/2001
Posts: 1109
Loc: Petaluma, CA
ya i havnt bother him either, they will come i assume when he is feeling better and up to the task, i know i ordered one of his docking stations so that a lil more work than just a lense (I Think)
Justin Larsen
#147922 - 01/04/2003 17:41
Re: Steve is alive and moderately well
[Re: justinlarsen]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 15/08/2000
Posts: 4859
Loc: New Jersey, USA
I just received an email back from Steve. He is okay, but still in significant pain from the ribs. This has slowed him down a bit, but he said that he is improving. He is still working on the back orders, but that it is going slower than expected. I would guess that the ribs don't help that much.
So, if you are waiting patiently for an order from Steve, he knows and is working on it. If you are waiting impatiently for an order from Steve, he knows and is working on it too. Remember, this is custom work - we have gotten very spoiled with the speed that he could crank these out. Now that he has had to slow down for personal and medical reasons, that doesn't mean the quality will go down at all.
I think everyone with a DarkStorm lens will agree: it is worth the wait.
Paul Grzelak 200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs
#147923 - 01/04/2003 17:54
Re: Steve is alive and moderately well
[Re: pgrzelak]
Registered: 27/02/2001
Posts: 569
Loc: Albany, NY
Absolutely woth the wait!
#147924 - 01/04/2003 17:54
Re: Steve is alive and moderately well
[Re: pgrzelak]
Registered: 27/02/2001
Posts: 569
Loc: Albany, NY
Absolutely worth the wait!
#147925 - 01/04/2003 18:05
Re: Steve is alive and moderately well
[Re: rtundo]
Registered: 01/11/2001
Posts: 354
Loc: Maryland
You can say that again!
Seriously, yes, definitely worth the wait!
NewFace MK2a
#147926 - 01/04/2003 21:49
Re: Steve is alive and moderately well
[Re: BleachLPB]
Registered: 26/12/2001
Posts: 386
Loc: Miami, FL - Sioux Falls, SD
Absolutely worth the wait!  Thats good news to hear. The wait is no big deal. I don't understand why people would get impatient given the circumstances, but that's people for you.
#147927 - 01/04/2003 22:35
Re: Steve is alive and moderately well
[Re: mandiola]
old hand
Registered: 31/12/2001
Posts: 1109
Loc: Petaluma, CA
Justin Larsen
#147928 - 02/04/2003 00:26
Re: Steve is alive and moderately well
[Re: justinlarsen]
Registered: 19/12/2001
Posts: 97
Does anyone know whether or not the flat lens/gels fit ok with the NewFace?
#147929 - 02/04/2003 00:27
Re: Steve is alive and moderately well
[Re: kojak71]
Registered: 24/04/2002
Posts: 305
Loc: Germany
yes, it does!
i have a smoke lens.
#147930 - 02/04/2003 03:45
Re: Steve is alive and moderately well
[Re: 303]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 15/08/2000
Posts: 4859
Loc: New Jersey, USA
To clarify that - the original smoke and clear lenses, and all of the gels, will work with the NewFace. This is because they are flat, like the original empeg lenses. The other color lenses will not work because they are three dimensional, with the original fascia design in mind. I don't know if there is sufficient demand for building a 3D lens (like the neon versions) for the NewFace.
I personally use a clear one with my polished NewFace system.
Paul Grzelak 200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs
#147931 - 12/04/2003 23:18
Re: Steve is alive and moderately well
[Re: pgrzelak]
Registered: 26/12/2001
Posts: 386
Loc: Miami, FL - Sioux Falls, SD
Hrm.. Still no word from my email I sent to Steve. I am moving in two weeks so the address he has won't be correct. I also wish he would post a quick 'status update' but ohh well. I'm not complaining, but it would just take a few seconds for him to post how he's doing, etc..