Yeah, yeah. Nice pretty red car and all that. But it's no ShoWagon, is it? What's he gonna do the next time he needs to pick up some plywood at the lumber yard?

Presumably the guy he's paying to do something with that plywood will have brought an appropriate vehicle. If it doesn't fit in the Bentley, he's paying to have it delivered.
I bet that thing's simply amazing to drive...
It is. Truly amazing. Though I have to say, driving supercars on street tires is kind of like drinking champagne from a styrofoam cup. There's all this power, and balance, and handling, and (comparatively) no grip. At another track day, I borrowed a Miata not unlike mine, on R-compound tires, and hassled him to the point that he lost concentration and went off track in his 575M on street tires. (No harm, no foul.)
but I would be scared to death that somebody would back into it or something and I'd have a $20,000 repair bill to contend with.
You think that didn't cross my mind when I stole the apex from that Integra in turn 4a? This was Sears Point fer chrissake! The walls are CLOSE! Needless to say, I was not turning spectacular lap times. Though I did run out of third a few times. Yes, it has a rev limiter.
It is a measure of my insanity (and his!) that I was out there at all, much less in an open-passing heads-up run group.
And the thing is, I came away from that day much more impressed with my drive in the Birkin. (Zetec-powered Lotus 7 replica)