Special Announcement - The Fourth European Empeg Owners Meet in Amersfoort, NL on Friday 4th, Saturday 5th, and Sunday 6th July, 2003.
Directions to the Event
The location for the meet is the Campanile Hotel, Amersfoort, NL.
The hotel address is:
Campanile Amersfoort
De Brand 50
3823 LM Amersfoort
Tel. : 033-4558757
Fax : 033-4552620
Party Name: Sonic Blue/Empeg Owner's Meet 2003.
When you arrive at the hotel, go upstairs to the PARIS meeting room which will be announced at the entrance on the signboard: follow the signs to the first floor.
For those arriving by Car:
The nearest motorway exit is 300m away from the hotel, AMERSFOORT-NOORD on the A1 Amsterdam-Apeldoorn motorway. Make sure you do not mistake this for AMERSFOORT exit. Note that there are extensive roadworks in progress as you come off the motorway in both directions: PLEASE TAKE CARE that you do not inadvertently cross lanes incorrectly, and observe speed limit signs as the junction is now moderately hazardous if you are not paying attention!
From the West (A1), (travelling from Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Den Haag, Hilversum) travel *past* the first Amersfoort exit in the direction Zwolle/Apeldoorn. The next exit is Amersfoort Noord.
From the East (A1), travel through Apeldoorn, direction Amersfoort. At the Hoevelaken motorway intersection, ignore signs for Amersfoort and drive on in the direction Amsterdam. Amersfoort-Noord is the next exit.
From the South (A27), travel up the A27 to the intersection at Eemnes, and head East on the A1 towards Amersfoort. Follow instructions Eastbound (above).
From the South (A28), head direction Zwolle/Amersfoort. DO NOT leave the motorway at Amersfoort, but continue Northbound to the Hoevelaken intersection. Follow signs A1-Amsterdam. Follow instructions Westbound (above).
From the North (A28), follow signs Amersfoort/Utrecht. At the Hoevelaken
intersection, exit following signs A1-Amsterdam. Follow instructions Westbound (above).
The route will be signposted from the motorway junction (in both directions) to the car park. Look for small white, rectangular signs with the "empeg" logo attached to the main traffic signs at the motorway exits and follow them to the car park. There will be a banner marking the meeting place. When you arrive, park up in the car park on the FAR LEFT, next to the hotel and canal, near the hotel fire excape. This will keep all the empeg'ers together for the compentitions during the day on Saturday.
For those arriving by train:
The nearest railway station is AMERSFOORT-SCHOTHORST. Make sure you do not get off the train mistakenly at AMERSFOORT. Trains from Schiphol, Amsterdam, and Amersfoort either terminate at Schothorst or go in direction ZWOLLE. Make sure your train will stop at AMERSFOORT-SCHOTHORST (a STOPTREIN), as express trains travel directly through without stopping.
At the A-S station, exit the train and go down the exit steps, turning right under the railway. Catch the number 5 bus (direction "Kattenbroek" or "W C Emiclaer"), asking for the "Laan Naar Emiclaer". Ask the driver to warn you where to get off the bus (this is the end of his route). From the bus stop, you should walk 300m in the direction of the Campanile Hotel which is clearly visible at the end of the road. There you should see the meeting banner.
For those of you wanting to travel to the meet by International train (such as the Eurostar, Thalys, or ICE links) it is possible to travel direct to AMERSFOORT as well as the local station AMERSFOORT-SCHOTHORST mentioned above. At both stations you should catch the number 5 bus to the event. Connections from Belgium go through Rotterdam or Amsterdam (Thalys/NS/BS, Eurostar from Paris, Liege & London); direct ICE connections from Germany (ICE/DB) go through Amsterdam; there are good regular connections from Rotterdam and Amsterdam to Amersfoort and Amersfoort-Schothorst.
Normal sleeper cars from Germany, Switzerland and Denmark go through to Amersfoort Central direct (note you will need to book sleeper cars direct with your local train company).
For those arriving by Plane:
On arrival at Amsterdam Schiphol, collect your luggage and exit from the luggage collection area. Follow the yellow overhead signs to the station plaza (about 100m). Buy a ticket to AMERSFOORT-SCHOTHORST. Trains either travel express to AMERSFOORT, or rapid stop train to AMERSFOORT SCHOTHORST. Trains are usually every half hour. Check on the timetable board and
make sure you note where you have to change trains. Alternatively, ask at the ticket desk as you buy your ticket. When you arrive at A-S, follow instructions "Arriving by train" (above).
We will be quite a way from the centre of Amersfoort: should you wish to shop in town on the Saturday, please contact me at the event for maps and advice. For most shopping, the Emiclaer shopping centre is 300m from the hotel and covers most shopping needs.
There are a number of cash points/ATMs in the shopping centre. If you have a conventional British or European cash point card, you will be able withdraw money without any problems. It is easier to withdraw cash here at the more beneficial inter-bank exchange rate than to bring money from the UK. For US visitors, you should be able to cash money on VISA and Mastercard cards, or conventional traveller's cheques will be accepted.
For those arriving on Friday:
We will be departing for the
Drie Ringen Brewery (18:00 - 19:00) at
5:30 PM when the bus arrives at the hotel to collect us and take us down to town. After this, we will be at the
Nonnetjes bar (19:15 - 20:00, followed by a meal at the adjoining restaurant
De Kluif/Mijnheer Pastoor (20:00 onwards). The bus collects us at 1 AM to bring us back to the hotel.
For those arriving on Saturday:
Reception, registration and coffee begins at
9:30, and the program kicks off at
10:00 sharp. Don't be late - there is a packed program - you don't want to miss a thing (believe me!). A picnic lunch will be served in the car park from 12:30 onwards. The afternoon session begins at
14:00. The Barby begins at Rob Schofield's house at
19:00 till late (or until the Police arrive)

. There will be a web cam for the rest of the community to view the torrid events in progress.
Contact Details
The Drie Ringen Brouwerij
+31 33 4656575
Kleine Spui 18
Nonnetjes/De Kluif/Mijnheer Pastoor
Groenmarkt 4
3811 CP Amersfoort
+31 33 463 3729
Rob Schofield
Laan Naar Emiclaer 44
3823EH Amersfoort
In the event of problems, ring or SMS +31 6 15 550 752 (Rob Schofield), or e-mail in advance to:
[email protected]
Please only use this number in the case of genuine emergency. An emergency pickup may be possible if you are completely stuck. But not if we've already started on the beer!