#186309 - 24/10/2003 18:38
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: ]
Registered: 24/07/2003
Posts: 500
Loc: Colorado, N.A.
You're sitting at home, Watching TV. Next thing the 'police' bust in
then I'd be ready. I'm armed to the teeth and I would kill every [censored] one of them.
I'd pay to see that.
-- DLF
#186310 - 24/10/2003 18:42
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: ]
Registered: 21/07/1999
Posts: 1765
Loc: Brisbane, Queensland, Australi...
quit your crappy job and join the defense forces. put your money where your mouth is. Or does your red neck chafe too much in the uniform?
I promise not to feed the trolls anymore
I What part of 'no' don't you understand?
Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?
#186311 - 24/10/2003 23:53
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: djc]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 13/02/2002
Posts: 3212
Loc: Portland, OR
And Linux is not a success in the public arena. Sorry. Tech savy people think it's cool, and it is a great product, but it has zero market penetration for public use. I strongly disagree with this. On the desktop, you might be right, I'm not even sure I'd say he's right there, either. Taking a look at my companies host file shows:
lid3213:~> perl -ne "print if /\blid?\d+\./" /etc/hosts | wc -l
lid3213:~> perl -ne "print if /\blid\d+\./" /etc/hosts | wc -l
The first number is the number of linux machines we have. The second number is how many of those are desktop machines.
#186312 - 25/10/2003 00:00
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 24/01/2002
Posts: 3937
Loc: Providence, RI
What's capitolism? Is it like capitalism? Probably not...
#186313 - 25/10/2003 02:11
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: muzza]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 08/06/1999
Posts: 7868
Alright. This post is being made with my red name actually meaning moderator.
Keep it a tad more civil, or loose access to the Off Topic section for a while.
I am pretty sure the people who this warning is directed at know who they are, so I won't name anyone here.
#186314 - 25/10/2003 06:42
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: muzza]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
While I don't know the act myself, there have been current affairs items on it over here. It seems to spell out the right for authorities to detain you for many hours, without arrest, for even a suspicion that you might be doing something illegal.
Muzza, the Patriot Act isn't just for anybody doing "anything" illegal. It's to protect against terrorists who are actively in our country plotting against it. I agree that it is Drakonian and I am uncomfortable with it, but because of the overly lax borders we have in the United States and the unenforced immigration policies since forever ago, drastic measures need to be taken. And as much as I trust my government (no matter what political party they are from), I actually like the fact that some people are raising questions about it because it will keep things a little more honest. Of course, raising questions is a differant thing than spitting out unfounded claims of wrong doing. The conspiracy theorists can go fly a kite as far as I'm concerned. But they're too busy thinking that 5 Jews are sitting in that little pyramid on the back of our $1 bill ruling the world to be a real factor in this world.
The truth of the matter is that the US is afraid right now. Except for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, there really has never been any major attack on our own soil. We don't have any ally anywhere that can do a better job than we can. We can't count on the UN or EU or whatever to help us. They are incapable of it. Our backs are against the wall and some ugly things have to be done to get us through this. That's why I was talking about this being a "War" and not just a "Day called 9/11".
The point that Sen. Bob Brown was making was that if these people have done something wrong, arrest them or at least declare them prisoners of war. At that point, they have the right to be deported back here, and that's what we want.
You hit the nail right on the head here. Even the "20th hijacker" said "The US is my enemy, but I know it is an honest enemy". You see, we'd love to just declare them POW's but only if we could as part of a War on Terror. But there has never been (to my knowledge) a declared war involving a state (the USA) and an organization that isn't state sponsored (Al-Qaeda). Because of this, everyone is going to say "Those are prisoners from the war in Afghanistan and that war is over. Let them go." And since this is "on going", letting them go so that they can continue against us isn't going to happen.
Maybe a good solution would be for the USA to make arangments with allies like Australia (whose Special Forces were a MAJOR asset to us), UK, Italy, etc whereby they could get their criminals back as long as they met certain conditions including keeping them in captivity (after being formally charged) and maintaining isolation so that they can not pass on any information that they have obtained. I mean, come on, it has been long enough for us to get whatever intelligence we need from them.
The call is not for a public hearing, just for legal rights of the prisoners.
Bitt was calling for public hearings. He's just a BIG fan of Court TV (j/k Bitt!  ).
It is really scary how little the US public knows about international events (present company excepted).
This cracked my up when it aired last night
I'm not even going to click on that link because I know it's true. It saddens me. But I bet 70% of us could name the cast of "Charles in Charge." It's almost funny how the more money we toss at education (rather than reforming it) the worse our students perform.
Brad B.
#186315 - 25/10/2003 06:43
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: Ezekiel]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
"Now ask someone who lives in a community with competition."
...like California.
[evil grin]
Hehe, I was going to say "France and California" but I figured they have wild fires to deal with now. No point in bringing them into this mess!
Brad B.
#186316 - 25/10/2003 06:56
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: wfaulk]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
But that's the point. There's no reason for us to believe that these people are combatants at all other than by taking the word of our administration, who have demonstrated themselves to be untrustworthy.
You don't trust them, I do. Fair enough. Maybe I'm too trustworthy, I don't know. I remember specifically hearing about a plot to crash airlines into the World Trade Center and the White House in the early months of 2001 (during an interview with someone about the first Trade Center plot) and I said to myself, "well, Clinton is a goof-ball, but I'm sure he and the people we has working under him are on top of this. We probably have counter measures in place to stop this that I'll be reading about in 15 years." So when I woke up on 9/11/01 to the view of two towers burning, my reaction was "NO SH IT! They TOLD us there were going to do this!!" So call me naive I guess... But at least I don't just trust the people I vote for.
All I'm suggesting is that we truly determine whether they're supposed to be there and then treat the ones that really are in accordance with the Geneva Convention, regardless of whether they were illegal combatants or not.
I agree that this would be best IF the Geneva convention had some provision that allowed for a situation like that one we are in now. It is not within the scope of the Geneva Convention to have a war between a state and an organization in an ongoing war. The Convention will simply call for the combatants to be released yesterday despite the fact that they have not declared an end to their battle against us.
You're right, we are interpreting things so that they best suit our interests. But those interests are the self-preservation of our country and its citizens. We aren't doing this to throw our weight around or get sweet business deals, that's what leaders in France do.
Brad B.
#186317 - 25/10/2003 06:59
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: frog51]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
djc and Frog51, Okay Linux is cool. But as you guys pointed out, it still doesn't have the market penetration that Microsoft does. But Microsoft is a monopoly and Linux isn't truely communistic (as was pointed out earlier in this thread) so this is all trivial and not related to the subject at hand. And even if it WAS truely communistic, we are talking about an OS developement, not a form of government here.
OT: So is it Linux's fault when I get a 404?
Brad B.
#186318 - 25/10/2003 07:20
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: ninti]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
ninti, if you disagree with just about EVERYHING I've said, I don't really thnk that we can have a rational give and take here. I don't think anyone else here has had any trouble finding a bit of common ground.
I can at least empathize with you. Like I said, I voted for Nader because I wanted to be Democrat but just couldn't bring myself to like anybody running. But I didn't really HATE the Democrat party after 9/11 when I saw them paint themselves into a corner where anything that was good for our country became bad for them simply because it was happening during Bush's presidency. And worse yet, they were downright gleeful when they thought the Afghanistan war plan wasn't working (pretty hard for them to stand up on this one now huh?) and the same in Iraq (we don't have enough troops!)
Soooo.... we can't agree with anything, but I know how you feel when 9/11 made you nearly hate a whole political party.
Brad B.
#186319 - 25/10/2003 07:25
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: muzza]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
I won't bother poking my head into your spat with d33zy, but there's no need for personal attacks. Freedom of expression should also apply to the non politically correct.
Oh yeah. You still haven't commented on whether the behaviour was correct in Parliament.
I think it was wrong, dead wrong. As a representitive of government, he has plenty of official, mandated ways to express his opinion. I think any citizen is within their rights to speak out like that in whatever venue they can find, but the Senator has a prefectly good soapbox he can stand on. I feel he was just doing this for his own poll numbers. Is there an election coming?
EDIT: There is nothing brave about speaking your opinion in a free country (except maybe when you're politically incorrect). Wanna see brave? Try standing in front of a tank in the Square.
Edited by SE_Sport_Driver (25/10/2003 07:33)
Brad B.
#186320 - 25/10/2003 07:31
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: genixia]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
Did you just put "election" and "Red Communist Party" in the same sentence?!?!? What planet are you from? Hey genexia, maybe I'm confusing you with another board member (and if I am, I applogize in advance) but aren't you in the USA on a work visa? So you hate our country SO much that you can't shut up about it but you seem to like the job situation here enough to collect a paycheck. (Again, if that's not you, I'm sorry.)
But regardless, you are the one imposing your European popular Socialism on the US because it's in fashion. Who knows, maybe Europe will debut Monarchies at the next Winter Fashion Show in Paris. I'm not imposing anything - I'm simply stating what this country was founded on. Founded on. Stands for. There is nothing about being "popular at the moment."
Brad B.
#186321 - 25/10/2003 07:33
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
Damn I feel like a post whore.
Brad B.
#186322 - 25/10/2003 08:18
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 13/07/2000
Posts: 4181
Loc: Cambridge, England
Did you just put "election" and "Red Communist Party" in the same sentence?!?!? What planet are you from? Here in the UK, the Red Communist Party regularly stands in parliamentary elections. They never get many votes, though. That seems to me a much better way of writing off Communism than demonising it does. There's little point in a populist movement that's not actually popular.
#186323 - 25/10/2003 08:21
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: canuckInOR]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 13/07/2000
Posts: 4181
Loc: Cambridge, England
lid3213:~> perl -ne "print if /\blid\d+\./" /etc/hosts | wc -l Yup, there's an OS that's ready for the desktop if ever I saw one...
#186324 - 25/10/2003 11:02
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
old hand
Registered: 28/12/2001
Posts: 868
Loc: Los Angeles
> Muzza, the Patriot Act isn't just for anybody doing "anything" illegal. It's to protect against terrorists who are actively in our country plotting against it.
Except it gives the power to the goverment the right to call anyone they want a terrorist, and furthermore, regardless of what it is meant to do, it is already being used in cases where there is plainly no terrorism. In fact, Ashcroft is actively telling people to use it non-terror related cases, and even has a roving seminar to tell local law enforcement how to do so. To even suggest at this point that it is for terrorism only is ludicrous, because it is already untrue, and who knows how many attrocities we will see further down the road.
> The truth of the matter is that the US is afraid right now.
Yeah, and Bush and his administration have maniplated that fear expertly. I think to Ashcroft, terror is not even really on his mind, he just wants to increase police power at any cost.
> ninti, if you disagree with just about EVERYHING I've said, I don't really thnk that we can have a rational give and take here.
Well, I did say "pretty much" everything.  Yeah, we are about 180 degrees apart on the political spectrum, but I do have some respect for you. At least you argue rationally and without too much rancor and vitriol and rampant stupidity.
> But I didn't really HATE the Democrat party after 9/11 when I saw them paint themselves into a corner where anything that was good for our country became bad for them simply because it was happening during Bush's presidency.
Did we watch the same party? I became disgusted with the Democrats because they did not stand up to Bush at all and let them walk all over him because they were afraid. They didn't say enough, and they didn't do anything, to stop Bush from walking over the constitution and start his own personal war.
As for the Australian parlimant members; Bush doesn't allow anyone to criticize him to his face here. He doesn't hold press conferences, he illegally keeps protestors behind fences blocks away from anywhere he goes. Nobody here can stand up to him to his face, I am glad someone somewhere did.
Oh, and SE, we do agree on one thing, I think Linux is not ready for the general public to use yet too.
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB
#186325 - 25/10/2003 19:43
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 08/02/2002
Posts: 3411
Did you just put "election" and "Red Communist Party" in the same sentence?!?!? What planet are you from? Hey genexia, maybe I'm confusing you with another board member (and if I am, I applogize in advance) but aren't you in the USA on a work visa? So you hate our country SO much that you can't shut up about it but you seem to like the job situation here enough to collect a paycheck. (Again, if that's not you, I'm sorry.)
Hmm, I really don't think that you've got me confused with someone else, so I can't accept that apology. But you did get a few things wrong;
I am in the USA because I married a US citizen. For the record, I have been unemployed for most of the past 18 months. And yes, it is hurting my family financially, and I don't get to buy many toys at the moment. But I don't gripe about it because I know that there are a lot of US citizens without jobs at the moment, and I don't feel that it would be my place to do so. My (US born) wife and son might prefer that I were more aggessive in my job hunting though. After all it affects them.
Another incorrect assumption that you have made is that I hate the USA. Nothing could be farther from the truth - It is a beautiful country whose citizens are kind and generous. I fully support the USA in her aspirations of liberty and justice.
But regardless, you are the one imposing your European popular Socialism on the US because it's in fashion.
Where the heck did you get this from? LOL. I haven't said anything about my economic beliefs. All I said was that you had no right to dictate that capitalism was the only option.
Who knows, maybe Europe will debut Monarchies at the next Winter Fashion Show in Paris. I'm not imposing anything - I'm simply stating what this country was founded on. Founded on. Stands for. There is nothing about being "popular at the moment."
Sorry, I just re-read the Declaration of Independance and I found absolutely nothing suggesting that unfettered captialism was the principle upon which this country was founded. Lots of stuff about a tyrannical King and his actions, but nothing about economic theory. Ironically, if there is one statement that is widely regarded to embody what this country is founded on, it is,
WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Tell that to the guys in Cuba.
(Oh, wait a minute, you can't. You're not allowed to travel there.)
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962
sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.
#186326 - 25/10/2003 20:48
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 08/06/1999
Posts: 7868
Well, I'm not going to get into the political debate here at all anymore, because it is very clear some people here are very stuck in their ideals. Political debates are no fun, so I am going to bow out from most here on the boards.
edit-the rest of it here really has nothing to do with the rest of the topic, so I'm taking it out so this thread can die.
Edited by Drakino (26/10/2003 11:07)
#186327 - 27/10/2003 00:54
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: ]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 08/07/1999
Posts: 5552
Loc: Ajijic, Mexico
If a group of people kills 3000 of our citizens, then we have the right to wipe them from the face of the earth
A group of people like... Iraq? With their Weapons of Mass Destruction?
I don't know how to break this to you, but despite President Bush and his co-conspirators' best efforts, involving several hundred billion dollars and two years of intense searching, no evidence that Iraq had anything to do with Al Quaeda flying airplanes into skyscrapers or possessed any WMDs has been found.
This may sound cold and uncaring, and I realize that on an individual level it is indeed tragic... but 3,000 people and a couple of skyscrapers are not even a pinprick in the resources of this country. You carry on as though this terrorist attack has destroyed us. Well, I'm here to tell you, we have hundreds of millions of people and thousands of skyscrapers.
John Aschcroft and his Patriot Act has done more harm to the basic foundations and values upon which this country was built than Osama Bin Laden could ever accomplish in his wildest dreams.
How many completely innocent people have been imprisoned under the auspices of the Patriot Act, without access to any legal representation or even anybody knowing where they were imprisoned? How many terrorists have been captured through the "protections" of the Patriot Act? (Hint: the answers may surprise you.)
Already we are seeing abuses of the Patriot Act along the same patterns that law officials utilize when they mis-use the RICO laws (which were originally designed to combat organized crime) for much lesser crimes when no definitive evidence is available.
Even the privilege, no, the right to express these thoughts in a public forum like this one is under attack. I have never in my life been so afraid for my country.
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
#186328 - 27/10/2003 05:39
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: tanstaafl.]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 05/01/2001
Posts: 4903
Loc: Detroit, MI USA
Dude, let this thread die! I'm getting an upset stomache!
Brad B.
#186329 - 27/10/2003 06:36
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: drakino]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 14/01/2002
Posts: 2858
Loc: Atlanta, GA
Just for the record, I've enjoyed reading most of the posts in this thread even though I haven't felt compelled to post too much. I find political debate very interesting, even when people are stuck to their ideals. Until it get's personal, that is, and though there is a lot of that in this thread, there is also a fair amount of non-personal argument I find interesting.
-Jeff Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.
#186330 - 28/10/2003 06:39
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: peter]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 13/02/2002
Posts: 3212
Loc: Portland, OR
lid3213:~> perl -ne "print if /\blid\d+\./" /etc/hosts | wc -l Yup, there's an OS that's ready for the desktop if ever I saw one... Heh. What I meant to say was...
So, I clicked on the task bar to launch KWord, and selected File->Open, which popped open a new dialog box. From there, I navigated to the /etc folder, and selected the file called "hosts". I made sure to use the "import as text", since KWord didn't automatically recognize it as a text file. Then I scrolled through the file deleting anything that didn't have "lid" in it. There were a couple of times when I deleted the wrong lines, and didn't notice until that action was out of the undo buffer, so I had to revert to saved and start over. But eventually, when I got to the end of the document, I looked to see what line I was on.
Lordy, I'm glad I don't have to deal with Windows.
#186331 - 28/10/2003 07:56
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: canuckInOR]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 25/12/2000
Posts: 16706
Loc: Raleigh, NC US
Bitt Faulk
#186332 - 28/10/2003 10:35
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: SE_Sport_Driver]
Registered: 09/08/2000
Posts: 2091
Loc: Edinburgh, Scotland
I know it was particularly offtopic, but as I abhor all politics and really have never heard of a politician I like or would would trust I thought I'd respond to the only bit of the conversation I knew anything about
Rory MkIIa, blue lit buttons, memory upgrade, 1Tb in Subaru Forester STi MkII, 240Gb in Mark Lord dock MkII, 80Gb SSD in dock
#186333 - 28/10/2003 16:48
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: ]
Registered: 03/08/1999
Posts: 451
Loc: Canberra, Australia
So tell me, deezy. Do you believe that might makes right? That if your country attacks another, then that should teach them never to mess with you again? Do you believe everything your leaders tell you? Do you wish to kill and obliterate everyone who disagrees with you? Do you believe that every day, no matter whether it's sacred to you or your enemy, is a good day to attack? And do you honestly think that you are right, and that everyone that disagrees with you is wrong, because of some divine mandate?
Good news! You're a fundamentalist Muslim! Here's your free pass to join the Taliban!
Have fun,
Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550
#186334 - 28/10/2003 22:32
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: tanstaafl.]
A group of people like... Iraq? With their Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Like I said before, I don't care if Iraq only had a plastic BB gun. Saddam was our enemy, our allys' enemy, and an enemy of the Iraqi people. Getting rid of him is one step closer to a peaceful world.
And I hope you aren't being sarcastic with the weapons of mass destruction line. Remember all those dead Kurds and their disfigured descendants? And yet, somehow Bush becomes the bad guy.
Well, I'm here to tell you, we have hundreds of millions of people and thousands of skyscrapers.
Yeah, but it's like someone hitting your Ferrari with a golfclub. The car will still work fine, and it's still the baddest car around, but you're gonna kill the son of a b itch that did this. And try telling that to the survivors of the WTC that 3000 of our people being murdered is no big deal. If you're wife or your kid is murdered, hell that's only ONE person out of hundreds of millions. No big deal, right? So let it go? Maybe that's missing the point you were trying to make, but this IS a big deal, and we have to seek justice.
Already we are seeing abuses of the Patriot Act along the same patterns that law officials utilize when they mis-use the RICO laws
I won't disagree that there are many bad laws on the books. But there is one law that is the most important. And that is the 2nd article of the Bill of Rights - the right to bear arms. Whoever has the guns has the power. No administration can enforce their laws on an angry mob of 100 million armed americans. That is why I will never vote for any politician who supports "gun control" in any shape or form (ie, 99% of most liberals), and I will never give up my guns should they ever be banned. I am for crime control, not disarmament. Once we become disarmed, we are utterly defenseless and powerless. So I'm not afraid of the day the FBI starts arresting innocent people and the CIA starts suppressing free speech, because the rest of us will rise up and kill every last f ucking one of them.
Edited by d33zY (28/10/2003 22:58)
#186335 - 28/10/2003 22:54
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: PaulWay]
Do you believe that might makes right?
Wow, that rhymes, and it's catchy; perfect propaganda for millions of idiots. Do you believe that might makes wrong? I think justice is right. I think cowardice is wrong. I think Saddam was wrong, Bin Laden was wrong, and the millions of ragheads that want to wage war on the West are wrong.
That if your country attacks another, then that should teach them never to mess with you again?
That's the point. Avoiding conflict may temporarily prevent a little bloodshed, but if you don't stand up for what is right then you will pay for it in the end. Ask the Jews who never stood up to Hitler. Just because America is strong and a group of rag-tag (pun intended) terrorists are relatively weak, it doesn't automatically make them right. How can you not see that? Do you have no concept of right and wrong, or good and evil? Are you so scared that you wouldn't fight for your right to exist and live in peace? Should we just bow down to any aggressor and give them what they want?
Most girls have more balls then some of you.
Do you believe everything your leaders tell you?
Do you believe all the propaganda you hear?
Do you wish to kill and obliterate everyone who disagrees with you?
No, but i do wish to kill and obliterate (or at least stop) murderous terrorists who want to wipe out the western world. They want to exterminate anyone and everyone who is not just like them. Isn't that the definition of Fascism? (you should know that word - liberals like to use it a lot.)
Do you believe that every day, no matter whether it's sacred to you or your enemy, is a good day to attack?
Do you ask stupid questions?
And do you honestly think that you are right, and that everyone that disagrees with you is wrong, because of some divine mandate?
Obviously you think that you are right and that I am wrong.
#186336 - 29/10/2003 10:19
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: ]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 13/02/2002
Posts: 3212
Loc: Portland, OR
Saddam was our enemy, our allys' enemy, and an enemy of the Iraqi people. Saddam was enough of a friend that Rumsfeld and co. were happy to sell him all sorts of nasty weapons. Remember all those dead Kurds and their disfigured descendants? Have you seen any of the material about the effects of all that depleted uranium the US has vapourized all over Iraq and Afghanistan? it's like someone hitting your Ferrari with a golfclub. The car will still work fine, and it's still the baddest car around, but you're gonna kill the son of a bitch that did this. Actually, no, I wouldn't kill them. I'd be pissed off at them, and if they were caught, I'd certainly press charges, but I wouldn't kill them. What are you... the mafia? And try telling that to the survivors of the WTC that 3000 of our people being murdered is no big deal. If you're wife or your kid is murdered, hell that's only ONE person out of hundreds of millions. No big deal, right? So let it go? I read several reports of victims' families saying just that. Does wiping out a couple nations bring back the victims from the dead? we have to seek justice. And how was going to war with Iraq "justice", when not a single one of the perps was from, or was supported by Iraq? Shouldn't we have been going to war with Saudi Arabia? Once we become disarmed, we are utterly defenseless and powerless. Ah, yes. What would Ghandi and Martin Luther King have been able to do if they didn't have their weapons at hand? So I'm not afraid of the day the FBI starts arresting innocent people and the CIA starts suppressing free speech, because the rest of us will rise up and kill every last [censored] one of them. If it's worth killing them for then, then why the hell don't you get off your ass now, and try and prevent them from gaining that power to begin with? Are you that short sighted?
#186337 - 29/10/2003 11:16
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: canuckInOR]
Saddam was enough of a friend that Rumsfeld and co. were happy to sell him all sorts of nasty weapons.
So if that's true, then i guess we should have let him stay then. If he's such a good friend of the Bush administration, why do the liberals like him so much?
Have you seen any of the material about the effects of all that depleted uranium the US has vapourized all over Iraq and Afghanistan?
No, elaborate some.
Actually, no, I wouldn't kill them. I'd be pissed off at them, and if they were caught, I'd certainly press charges, but I wouldn't kill them. What are you... the mafia?
Ok, good. let's press charges against Osama Bin Laden. GWB will call 911 and in no time the global police will have a warrant for Osama's arrest and have him in cuffs. Good idea.
Does wiping out a couple nations bring back the victims from the dead?
It prevents it from happenning in the future.
And how was going to war with Iraq "justice", when not a single one of the perps was from, or was supported by Iraq? Shouldn't we have been going to war with Saudi Arabia?
That's typical liberal logic. All the liberals would still be whining their asses off if we went to war with Saudi Arabia instead. (unless of course Gore was president, then it would be the right thing to do.) Right now you'd be saying, "Look at Iraq, there is evidence that they are actually trying to build a nuke, they killed thousands of innocent people with toxic gas, and they openly support terrorism. Shouldn't we be invading Iraq instead?"
This is an ongoing war against all ragheads who hate the US. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are cooperating with the effort to find terrorists.
Ah, yes. What would Ghandi and Martin Luther King have been able to do if they didn't have their weapons at hand?
You're right, guns are bad and evil. Murder wasn't even a word before the gun was invented.
If it's worth killing them for then, then why the hell don't you get off your ass now, and try and prevent them from gaining that power to begin with?
Maybe I am? How the f uck would you know? Why don't you tell us what you're doing to accomplish this?
#186338 - 29/10/2003 11:25
Re: What do you think of this behaviour?
[Re: canuckInOR]
In reply to:
And try telling that to the survivors of the WTC that 3000 of our people being murdered is no big deal. If you're wife or your kid is murdered, hell that's only ONE person out of hundreds of millions. No big deal, right? So let it go?
I read several reports of victims' families saying just that. Does wiping out a couple nations bring back the victims from the dead?
If 3000 dead americans are no big deal, then why are you so worried about a few thousand dead Iraqi soldiers?