Since I didn't receive my extra docking sleeve before this last weekend

, I had to improvise.
The second sleeve was intended for my boat (which I used for the last time this season

Here's what I ended up rigging:
1) empeg powered by ac power supply
2) power supplied by dc/ac inverter
3) dc supplied by accessory lighter plug
4) 1v rca outputs split with "y" adapters
a) (left output to amp operating 12" subs; right output to amp operating (4) 6x9s)
b) control "fader" by using balance
5) turn on amps with oem switch designated to operate interior lighting
6)Voila!......empeg fully operational 4 minutes later
Mind you this was not ideal,ie: empeg laying on floor wrapped with beach towel!
Mk2 #105 12g blue
Car install complete...waiting patiently...again(extra sled for boat)