It was 1999 and a friend of mine and I were often talking about MP3s. I was not too enthusiastic at the time, since making them from a CD would, in my view, take way too much time

, but both of us thought they could have a future. One day he sends me a link to the Empeg website, showing, at the time, Mark 1and the waiting list for Mark 2. "Hey, here's the future of MP3s!" he says. I agreed, but had no car to put an empeg in.
In Feb 2001 I order my VW Polo. 4 months in the waiting list. Can you belive that?
Meanwhile, I go back to the empeg website, and Mark 2 is there, so fantastic, on paper. But I am really not planning to buy one: I don't know the company, and I believe a HDD would break after a month of car usage. BUT I send an email, asking all that I was curious about. Unexpectedly, I get a reply! And what a reply! Those people were nice, quick, knew what they were talking about, and after a few emails I realized the empg was not a joke on a webpage! In few days, I had ordered my mark2 with a 10Gb hdd.
I got it before my car arrived, and I remember enjoying it so much even BEFORE installing it in my car, which, to me, was simply unbelievable!
Nobody knew what it was. I had to explain and show it to my installer and my friends. Some of them bought their empegs, later on, making my hometown the one with the highest concentration of empegs in the country, I believe
And, as others said, after 5 years it's virtually the only peice of technology since 2001 that I still use every day

Best money I've ever spent
Happy new year, everybody!