Holy Batshit Batman!!!
I have to weigh in with my 1.9 cents after my long absence!
Was Hitler a peice of shit? Yea. Are the jackasses that promote his agendas? Yea. Homie, here for making a provoking statement with his choice of avatars? No.
I think the point he was making or at least exploiting is that we are entirely too politically correct now. There comes a point where we get ridiculous with it. Is a little boy who draws a battle in school a Nazi for putting a swaztica on the "bad guys"? Of course not but blind fear and knee jerk reactions aren't a nod towards history. Could this happen again? Of course it could--that's why we study history so that we don't make the same mistakes. (That and it's a long way to Europe to bail the world out... sorry I couldn't resist)
A Hitler avatar is at worst, poor taste here. This is a group of highly intelligent people, not a bunch of inbred rednecks talking about bringing that shit back.
Since I love playing Devil's Advocate... He could claim the first amendment, but on a privately owned BBS that doesn't really apply.
Soon I discovered that this whole rock thing was true.
Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil
Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet...
I found myself in love with the world
So all I could do was
Ding a ding dang my lang long ling long!!!
PS... I saw Amittyville recently. The new one. I refused to watch it. Anything with houses and ghosts scares the shit out of me. So finally I got the movie and holy crap! I haven't been able to go around little kids with bullet holes in their heads since!