Well, spider is the lucky one then, because he paid and I shipped it out yesterday.

So this is SOLD!
Interesting info Mark, thanks!
I have a few more related items I'm going to sell soon as well:
1) 'sled kit' consisting of all the parts required (minus the wires themselves) some extra spare parts too - $50
2)MKIIa with 2 40 gig drives installed (and accessories) - $400
3)An assembled PCATs tuner. - $190
4)Palm setup for Palantir use. - $25
I love my empeg, but bills have forced the sale. I'm downsizing to a carbon though, so I haven't left the family altogether.

I'm on vacation next week, when I get back I'll get pics and make new posts etc. I did go through and test everything (again) so I know it's all working well.