Mark, click on the links. I know most traditional aftermarket fireplace are wall mounted, but I'm looking for sealed units that look similar to the ones in the links I included. Very contemporary and simple designs. Many traditional units are also inserts that don't mount on the surface of the wall imbed in it.
I just added the Esse link which I had previously forgotten. They also make other products which, unlike their Firewall, are available in North America.
Bitt, with some models you're absolutely right, they may not be to code. In most cases you'll also want something that carries the right approvals so you don't burn (no pun intended) your insurance coverage. That's why I'm looking for similar products here in North America rather than importing something myself. Codes exist in the UK and other places as well of course. The units I'm looking at all feature 0" rear clearance requirements.
The last link I provided for the guys in New York seem to list products with North American approvals and safety inspections. They've been importing for 30 years and probably have everything certified themselves.
Now if I can get one of these bad-boys, my next step would then be hooking it up to my network and get it working as a display for my Squeezebox and Slimserver. Seeing the details of the currently playing track written in flames would just be the ultimate. I know something like that already exists for the empeg.