Unlocked G1's are fully functional...aside from a lack of 3G.
I should know, I have one on AT&T.
Where'd you get it, and, if you don't mind saying, for how much? Anything I should watch out for?
I got it at a T-Mobile store for $400. It's funny how hard it was to get them to allow me to hand them $400. But eventually, because a lower-level employee had already told me they would sell me the phone without a T-Mobile contract or account, the manager sold me the phone. I then used an online service to unlock it.
In the end, if I'd known about the developer phones, I would have gone that route. It ends up costing the same ($400 plus around $25-30 for unlocking or registering as a dev). Still, there wasn't really anything to worry about in getting the phone and unlocking it.
And to everyone else, clearly I realize that not having 3G means it's not fully functional, thus the ellipses. Sorry I did not follow the usual emoticon-based sarcasm conventions

But I must say, I rarely run across a case where lack of 3G is a hindrance. I've even been able to watch Youtube videos over EDGE. Web browsing, email, and even downloading apps all work fine, and more than half the time I'm near WiFi anyway.