Well, I finally got around to buying a Tivo. Thanks everyone for your help, I really appreciate it.
I just decided to go the route of instant gratification, and bought one for $299 at Best Buy (along with $20 of Monster cable

All I can say is that I haven't been this excited about
any purchase since my empeg. I just bought the thing last night, got home at about 11:30PM, and was setting it up until 1AM when I went to bed while it made its initial phone call setup. AAHHH! I can't wait for the workday to be over!!! Before I left I told it to record the wonderful hour of Simpsons that's on today (this is a great incentive to live in the DC area, every weekday brings you an hour of Simpsons

Ahhhhh, Tivo......
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, etc.
ps- about the phone line issue. I got a wireless plug. I was worried about the cost (most places have it for about $70), but a quick search on ebay found a whole bunch for $30.
Edited by DiGNAN17 on 27/07/01 01:47 PM.