Heh...you've spent all this time fighting instability and now you want to overclock it?
Of course! Now that it's stable, I can do that

Hey! ...not always

Not that loud, actually. The only slightly annoying noise is the high-pitched whine of the hard disk. I can live with it, though. The PC sits on my desk (clearly), and only about 8-12 inches from my left ear, so I would not be happy if it were too loud. The fans on the HS/F are virtually silent.
I'll take that as a compliment!

I got it as a reaction to the Dell I had before, which left me no room to work inside of. I admit I went a bit...overboard

If I put an optical drive at the top of the case, I need to find extra long cables to connect it.
You overclock an i7 by changing the BCLK setting. The multipler is locked for the cores. The QPI multipler can be set however for 6.4MT/s even on a 920 however. You may need to turn off the built in Intel core boost feature.
Thanks, I'll see if I can figure this out sometime...