I've got the same problem with my Polar; the problem is not the empeg, it's the transmitter from the pickup on the chest belt. The empeg complies with
current EMI legislation, and in the last three years there have been major changes in spectrum utilisation world-wide to get some sort of harmonisation of usage. This has mainly been driven by the increased use of mobile phones.
Shielding won't help you much, since riding around inside a large sheet of crinkly aluminium foil on a daily basis will cause problems with both body heat and your wallet, plus having to install a remote observation camera on the front and back of the bike with a monitor (and power supply to drive it) kind of defeats the object of the exercise (if you will excuse the excrutiating pun

For those of you genuinely worried about the copious quantities of dangerous radiation being emitted by this vile empeg contraption, I would suggest you use one of
these to ensure your continued health. Oh, apparently it works with telephones, too

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners...