OK, if I type the file name in by hand and replace the blank with %20 then I can look at the pretty pictures

. Looks good. The Mk1 fascia will actually fit on a Mk2 if you drill a hole for the knob and swap the plastic buttons for Mk1 ones (they fit, and the empeg guys have a few left over. I believe you can also buy them from places like Farnell) there is a discussion about customising displays
here. I would be interested in a custom front for my Mk2 as I much prefer the Mk1 blue.
Would there be any chance of you banging up a Mk1 style handle for the Mk2 if someone sent you a handle? This is the only thing that would look a bit strange with a custom front.
(list 6284, Mk1 S/N 00299 4GB blue [for sale]. Mk2 S/N 080000094 6GB blue)